My Tnk Has Come :)

ok went and got myself a new heater today, got one of the eheim jader units. a very very nice peace of kit , the thing is huge as well. they say it will heat up over 600 L of water as it has so much surface area. any way, like the looks of it and as we all know, you cant go wrong with Eheim/German. it also has a temp locking button( so once locked the temp cant be changed by it falling over or well any thing you know what i mean LOL) also got the last bits of glass cut to fit into my sump, they will be fitted on friday night. then i hope to fill the tank on sunday , with just normal water. also have to hang my MH as well , gess it is going to be a crazy :fun: weekend LOL anyway wish me luck :good:

will get some pic's of this heater up on friday to :) i know it is a bit bland but i really do lke the unit very very good build , lets just hope it works LOL

many thanks rob
Pics :shout: :D

Sounds great Rob, good luck over the weekend, I'm excited to see what you come up with.
ok just finnished the sump :fun: , i must say for my first go i think i did very well :crazy: just hope it all holds. Will do a wet run of the sump before it gets put in the tank (sat night, will leave water in it over night as well, that will be done outside the house, with the sump filled to the top). also i still have to fit my overflow box, i just hope i have some silicone left over :blink: .

i did take the cam to get some pics of my new sump but the batts went flat of the first shot :( , so i will get some after i get home from work tomorrow :) .

i feel as if i am rushing a bit now, so i may slow down a bit and get it right , before i fil with water. i will aim for this sunday but i bet it will be next week before any goes in :-( sorry people :( your not as unhappy as me

many thanks rob , off to do some real work now :(
ok got the sump filled with water tonight 8) all works very well :D. no leaks and it didn't brake LOL. any way all i have to do know is fit the overflow pipe work and then it will be finnished, well i can putwater in it LOL. i think that once i have the water in it i will run it for about a week or so just to see if every thing is working how it should be, then after that i think it will be time to add RO, my coral sand, salt and the first few bits of live rock :hyper: dam that will be a happy day LOL. anyway as i said i would have some pics of my new sump, and that lovely heat i was going on about LOL, hope you like and thank god that it is not that far off now :blush:


first pic of the eheim heater (look how big it is LOL size does matter LOL)


you can see the locker on the top, what a great idea.


firts baffle :)



bubble stop , and it works very well many thank SKI :)




last pic with eheim 1262 go full steam, didn't know how much water this thing flows :D
just got back and the lights are now in place, that was the most unfun thing i have done todate, yet whe i turned them on, it woas prob the most rewarding fealing LOL. anyway here are some pic's for you all :)



the night time shot, the last thing i want to happen it the
dam thing fall of the roof and through my tank LOL


many thanks ROB :good:
Agreed, looks great rob, you do some awesome work :D. Is the light fixture adjustable for height? Thats a little close for halides and you might have heat probs in the summer with em that close. If your house is air conditioned, no prob, if its not, you might need to raise em up when the heat comes back
many thanks lads, the MH where a bit of a job to hang, had to drill a few holes in the neww roof, much to the anger of the loved one LOL.

yes the HM's can be moved up and down, it is a fancy little rachet type thing(very cool). i think they are set about 200mm away from the glass. i don't know if heat will be a problem in rainy old Engand :(, gess you have never been hear Ski LOL . i will raise them up a bit none the less. many thanks

i will be doing a bit of work on the sump tonight, hope to get the pumps and skimmer hooked up and ready to turn on :crazy: . also going to try to install the pipe work for the overflow tonight, but lets just take one step at a time LOL.

also i have to get it all done for xmass as i have told people to buy me Coral for xmass LOL. i will be going with them to pick it, as i am sure some of them would rap it up and mail it to me. you know what the old ones are like :D. so i should have it all sorted in the next week or so, going to try to get some RO in it for the first week in Dec. :look: well that is the plan, lets just see if it happens

many thanks rob :good:
Dude this is a great thread really am vry impressed! wish i could tell you summet u dont know to helpu out but u guys all seem to be doing just fine without me, which is good seeing as i dont have a clue! :S i jut like the pictures and its good to see someone going thru the effort to keep us informed think i talk for most people when i say thanks buddy :)
happy ot help mate, i have read many threads on different tank setups, and all though you get some real good ones every now and then, it is hard to find all the pics you want. also a feel a pic is worth a thousand words :blush: thus allowing me less writing time LOL. i am just glad that every one seems to be liking it as much as i am. many thanks rob :good:

now a few more pics of the overflow setup :D, i have gone with the dorso type main reason is for space, or lack there of. but it has a twist, instead of comming out of the tank and into a T . it mmust first go through a 90 and then into the T, hope it will still work the same and all. the top of the T section is bocked of with a push in fitting, at a later date i will fit a air control valve to this. The water then travels down the 32mm pipe through two more 90, to end up in the sump. i have fitted the overflow pipe about 50mm under the water level in the sump (just to try to keep the noise down, if this turns out to be a problem i will cut the pipe back. anyway let me get these pics of the pipe work up for you all. once again a bit of a boring set but it may give you guys some ideas.

i also siliconed all the joints on the PVC pipe work. think it was just me beeing a bit anal LOL (all the joints were push fit with the large rubber O-ring)


yes i did also use loads of silicone on this, filled the small gap full of the stuff LOL, then seald the rim of the unit as well, and the back to LOL. better safe than sorry :)




many thanks rob :good:

Looks great Rob. And if you lived in Buffalo NY you'd feel right at home from sept to june. We saw sun today for the first time in over a week :(. Winter is horrifically cold, dreary, and snowy, but summer it can get REALLY hot for a couple weeks. Could be worse living in Alaska though :crazy:

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