My heart leapt when I saw that you'd posted! This was so wonderful to see! We've missed you so much
@Byron we really have.
@AbbeysDad has been fantastic with keeping us updated, it's so good that you can support each other, and knowing how you were doing and being able to send our love and support through
@AbbeysDad was so great too. It was rough not having you around, but if we hadn't known how you were doing, it would have been terrible, so thank you both for the communication!
Take your time recovering, there's no pressure! Human's are remarkably adaptable, I have complete faith that you'll go from strength to strength, and adjust and adapt where needed. You've been through hell and back, it's completely natural to take some time to recover! Also don't ever feel pressured to jump in and give detailed advice or try to fix problems until you're ready and want to. When you want to pop on, even if you just pop on and say hello, that's plenty!
Wish I could be of more practical help, but sending love and healing energy into the universe, and thinking of you