My Tank


New Member
Nov 22, 2009
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Hello people
I have a juwel vision 180 with the origial juwel aqaurium filter and powerhead whihc is inside. I brought a big shark a few weeks ago ad he jumped in to my filter box and sqose himself down a small hole. Ever since he has doen that my filterkeeps making an anooying wistling noise and idont no wheather its my power head or knot. would anybody be ale to replie to this? many thanks Brad..
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Dosn't the filter compartment have a lid.
If not fill the gap with filter floss.
When did you last clean the filter and impellor.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Dosn't the filter compartment have a lid.
If not fill the gap with filter floss.
When did you last clean the filter and impellor.

Its okaii now i have fixed the problem, i regulary do my wate change and check my water and the quality is fine. Thakyou very much though for replying ot my post. It does have alid but the power of the shark lifted it up ssome how cuz it was a l arge one.
Oh cool i found out how to do that font!
What kind of shark is it?
lol i didn't know i could do that! :fun:

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