Ch4rlie's New Tank!

While I was waiting for the tank going through the fishless cycle I thought I would do something that would make my life that little bit easier for those weekly water changes.

Rather than running a long 10m python hose system going from tank to kitchen sink but having to use a universal pump to get fresh water from kitchen to the tank in lounge, it was not greatly successful as the kitchen is on a lower floor by about maybe 3 - 4 foot, and as we all know, water does not go uphill very well, even with a pump, took a while to say the least to fill up even half the tank.

So have to think of a way to have the shortest route for the hose from the tank to the sink in garage, so came up with idea of going through the wall and into the garage.

Long story short, after lots of measuring and discussions with the other half finally agreeing, came up with this, decided to install a new sink and plumbing in the garage which luckily is almost directly behind the tank itself. And making holes in wall for hose to attach to and to go through wall that goes into th garage and making things look more presentable as the tank is in lounge where everyone can see everything so has to be presentable.

Hose attachment panel in wall. Looks ok.

Close up pics of open wall plate with hose attachment to give you an idea.


When not in use, the blank plate will cover up the hose attachment so it looks like its meant to be there!

New garage sink with hose coming out of wall and connected to tap while filling up tank.

Not bad, lots of work and planning but worth it imho to make life that much easier and a lot less faffing around with hoses, hoping so anyway!

So with this sort of set up, we're talking about maybe 6 foot of hose maximum compared with 10 meters of hose being rolled out and trailing to kitchen sink where anyone can trip over the hose and bit of an eyesore as well as time consuming to put everything away when finished etc.

Makes senss really!
(especially not using buckets and backbreaking work!!!)
Not bad at all, looks like a professional plumbing job 👍
How many forktail blue eyes would be a good number for this tank so you guys think?

Thinking 16 would be ok but any opinions?

Also will be getting some amano shrimps, maybe 6 or 8, depending on prices.
47 g, right?
Are you planning to get anything else besides the Blue-eyes and the Amano?
Yes, quite correct it's a 47 us gals tank, sorry I should have included that in first place!

And no, I am not planning on getting other species of fish in the tank due to the water hardness of my water source.

So just the blue eyes and amanos and probably some snails too ;)
Yes, quite correct it's a 47 us gals tank, sorry I should have included that in first place!

And no, I am not planning on getting other species of fish in the tank due to the water hardness of my water source.

So just the blue eyes and amanos and probably some snails too ;)
Wow this water change system is incredible! I know you've started your stocking now but.... given you have such hard water thats limiting your stocking with that system couldnt you just plumb in an RO filter? Store it in a water butt week to week in the garage and then pump it through?

Wow this water change system is incredible! I know you've started your stocking now but.... given you have such hard water thats limiting your stocking with that system couldnt you just plumb in an RO filter? Store it in a water butt week to week in the garage and then pump it through?


I had actually thought about doing something like that with the RO system but due to the amount of waste water involved as well as my plans for starting sw tank next year would amount to too much waste water being produced and felt it was not strictly necessary for freshwater just because I wanted certain species, always advised its best to get fish that suits the water source rather than changing the water to suit the fish kinda thing.

Would have liked to do something but as we all know, adjusting water gH, pH and tds can play havoc later on down the line and any mistakes made may likely be catastrophic.

So decided to keep it simple and see how it pans out.

Nice suggestion though.
A small update regarding the water change system.

Have tested out the system and made a changing syphon and water filler in one with 15 mm pvc speedfit pipe and fittings.


Stop valve to turn water off when required.

Perforated piping for both syphoning and refilling tank, holes too small for shrimps or forktails to be sucked into.

Plumbed in and already syphoning water.

Water will not go below the perforated intake pipe so no risk of taking out too much water.


Tank being refilled, that’s taps on max and water splashing over water surface and glass like rain so no way will disturb the sand substrate or stress fish out too much.


Simply use the stop valve to stop water refilling at required level, no need to go running to garage sink tap to switch off! ;)

Works well, pretty pleased with that.
This is pure genius! With water changes that easy though how long before the second tank haha!

This is pure genius! With water changes that easy though how long before the second tank haha!

Thanks, not so sure about the genius part but sure does make water changes that much easier, still needs a few tweaks here and there before am fully satisfied with the system. But not bad eh!

Second tank will be a sw but need to swot up a bit on that before committing with that side of things first.

By the way what do you think, would 16-20 forktails be ok in tank of this size?
180litre / 47gals of course taking off 20% for decor and substrate etc would be between 150-160 litres ish

Plus 6-8 amanos and MTS snails.
Thanks, not so sure about the genius part but sure does make water changes that much easier, still needs a few tweaks here and there before am fully satisfied with the system. But not bad eh!

Second tank will be a sw but need to swot up a bit on that before committing with that side of things first.

By the way what do you think, would 16-20 forktails be ok in tank of this size?
180litre / 47gals of course taking off 20% for decor and substrate etc would be between 150-160 litres ish

Plus 6-8 amanos and MTS snails.
I wouldnt be afraid to do 20 Forktails in there, I think you need to think about more Amanos than 6-8 I have 6 in my 2 foot 100 litre and they dont keep on top of it in anyway. Their bioload is so low I don't think you need to worry, I'd go for 15-20 of them. With the snails are you doing MTS to keep on top of the sand? Have you thought about any of the fancy ones like Cappucinos or some of the Rabbits, from memory there are some that do really well in hard water?

Have you thought about some of the smaller Synodontis for this tank like Lucipinis or Polli? Would do great in hard water.

Thanks Wills, that is most helpful, I was never much good at stock numbers to be honest but though 16-20 would be ok but unsure if enough or not!! :blush:

More amanos, perfect, I’ll have a look at LFS and see how much they’re going for these days and see how many I can get. Thinking 12 now would be a comfortable number for me.

As for the snails, I kinda like MTS even though they breed stupid numbers but they do a great job with the substrate to turn over the sand etc. I perhaps may get a assassin snail, just the one to help keep number down a tiny fraction!

As for Synodontis, I had thought of those bu so far have not seen any of those you mentioned in LFS around me so far so can see what they look like, it’s one thing seeing pics of them and actually seeing them in reality. Certainly one am thinking of to have some bottom dwellers since whiptails won’t do great in hard water unfortunately.

Some great tips, thanks.
I definitely think you could do 20 in there. Probably more but I wouldn't though because you will get fry and then you'll wish you had a bigger tank (like I wish right now).

I'm definitely intrigued now about the idea of Amano shrimp! I know they're great for tidying the tank because I've had a couple before. I worry about my Peacock gudgeons because they do spend a lot of time near the substrate...

That being said have you considered getting Peacocks?
Your tank certainly has enough room. They inhabit the same areas in nature and I think both species are thriving in my tank as I am raising fry from both.

I'm not sure what is considered hard water. II'm sure there's a technical description somewhere, but it does appear that people's opinions play into it as well. I think mine would be considered moderately hard-hard.

also when I checked online I was really surprised that there was a larger variance between cities then I would have thought. Definitely a good idea if I move a couple hours away to take into consideration.

I just researched my water online. Previously I have inquired at LFS. It's been about a year in between.

140 PPM online info
(told 180PPM last time I checked with my LFS)
8 gpg. online info
(told 11gpg last time by cute guy at LFS)

7.2-8.2 testing average s
I definitely think you could do 20 in there. Probably more but I wouldn't though because you will get fry and then you'll wish you had a bigger tank (like I wish right now).

I'm definitely intrigued now about the idea of Amano shrimp! I know they're great for tidying the tank because I've had a couple before. I worry about my Peacock gudgeons because they do spend a lot of time near the substrate...

That being said have you considered getting Peacocks?
Your tank certainly has enough room. They inhabit the same areas in nature and I think both species are thriving in my tank as I am raising fry from both.

I'm not sure what is considered hard water. II'm sure there's a technical description somewhere, but it does appear that people's opinions play into it as well. I think mine would be considered moderately hard-hard.

also when I checked online I was really surprised that there was a larger variance between cities then I would have thought. Definitely a good idea if I move a couple hours away to take into consideration.

I just researched my water online. Previously I have inquired at LFS. It's been about a year in between.

140 PPM online info
(told 180PPM last time I checked with my LFS)
8 gpg. online info
(told 11gpg last time by cute guy at LFS)

7.2-8.2 testing average s
Thanks for that detailed response, most informative actually.

Peacock gusgeons, lovely wee fish but unfortunately my water ph and hardness is a bit too hard for them! :confused:

My tap water is at around pH of 8 and hardness at 18dG, which calculates to around 240ppm which kind of borders between hard and very hard water, does limit choices on fish species but quite honestly am happy with forktails as not had those before and I do like Rainbowfish as well so that’s no bad thing imho.

Think there will be enough variety in tank to keep me amused with the lovely forktails, shrimps, snails and perhaps synodontis for bottom dwellers if I can find any in LFS and see if I like the look of those.

As for breeding the forktails, I have little interest in breeding to be honest, if fry survives then that’s great and all being well and good but am not going to do anything in particular for the fry, will leave that down to survival of the fittest really.

Amano shrimps are great addition to any tank imho as they are real neat and underrated by many, pretty good clean up crew but don’t rely on them for cleaning up algae and things really but every little helps eh.
As for breeding the forktails, I have little interest in breeding to be honest, if fry survives then that’s great and all being well and good but am not going to do anything in particular for the fry, will leave that down to survival of the fittest really.
They will survive.
That's where I got mine.
The fry are 3rd generation.
4f & 3m
5f & 5m (currently in tank and prime breeding age scattering eggs)
7 fry growing out
+ whatever else comes of the eggs😍

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