My Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jul 16, 2006
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Otcha Beastie

Very nice colours

Gonna give us your tank specs :good:

Do I see 3 or 4 YT's ??
Otcha Beastie

Very nice colours

Gonna give us your tank specs :good:

Do I see 3 or 4 YT's ??

3 YT's

Tank Specs;

4x2x2 main display with overflow weir and wavebox (not installed) made by Kieth@Windsor Aquatics
3x2x2 sump with Miracle mud and several species of calaurpa
2 x Aqua Medic turboflotors 1000
Aqua Medic calcium reactor with Co2 and Ph Computer
Aqua Medic Ozoniser 100mg/hr
TMC UV Steriliser
Tunze stream 6100 with controller and photocell
Deltec 'dawn till dusk' T5 lights above main tank
Deltec meaga twin T5 lights above sump

phew...i think thats about it.
Lets see if I count this right:
Emperor Angel
Flame Angel
Juvie Queen Angel
Lyretail Antias (at least 4)
Yellow Tang (3)
Powder Blue Tang
Clownfish (looks like to ocellaris)
Cleaner Wrasse
Butterfly Fish
Damselfish (couple different types)

Echinophylla Corals (hammer, torch, somethin like that)
Sacrophyton Leathers
Plating Montipora?
Candycane Coral
And a lot of others

WOW, thats a lot of stuff to cram into that tank man. I owuld never advise someone put that much in one 4 footer, but if it works for you, more power too ya. God bless cleaner wrasses and UV sterilization (dont see any ich in there despite the high fish load).

How old is your tank? It looks so clean I'd almoast think it was nearly brand new :huh:

Pics are really striking :nod:
That's an unbelievable setup. :hyper:

How many years of experience do you have? Regal Angels are a ***** to keep; and yours looks wonderful! :good:

Excellent job with the tank. You must be a peacemaker to be able to keep those guys from fighting! :good:

Now if that doesnt push someone into this hobby what tank would! :drool: Sufering lack of fluids from drooling..... :drool: :good: Thats excelent!
That's looking brilliant Matt, it's a credit to you and your fishkeeping skills! Incidentally Mr. Miagi, I'm in Adelaide myself through December and January visiting my wife's family if you need any assistance making yourself a new tank.....
Very Nice Set-up

Just makes we want to get get my fins and jump in!

Ahhhhhhhhhh - someday..........................when I have a bit more experience with tropicals I'd love to graduate to a marine like that.

Its the kind of thing I wanted, but thought it would be too much for a complete novice to take on initially - plus I'd have to win the mrs over and justify the costs of a set up like that.

Emperor Angel
Flame Angel
Regal Angel
3 x Yellow Tangs
Powder Blue Tang
2 x Percula Clowns
Cleaner Wrasse
5 x Anthias
2 x yellow tailed damsels
1 x blue damsel
Nasserius, Cerith and turbo snails
Red and Blue legged hermit crabs

Rose Bubble tip Anemone

Plating Montipora
Large Euphilia (sp) which i have fragged so have a few small ones as well
Sarcothyton sp
Torch Coral
Finger Leather
Ricordia sp

80k of fiji live rock.
how old is the tank. I honestly cant believe that you have seccessfuly crammed all those fish in there for any lengh of time.
Looks very nice m8, how big is it? looks over stocked by 2 or 3 fish but saying that the sump could cover for that.
I'm amazed the Angels play nice with the corals... How old is the tank?

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