My Tank Cycling, Does This Make Sense?


New Member
Jul 18, 2006
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My tank is a month old on friday, i have 3 danios cycling it. I was going to do fishless, but got too nervous and did the old route. My ammonia is at .25- . 50 and my nitrites are at 0 while my nitrates are at 5.0
is this normal? i did a 10 % water change at week 3 cause pet store guy said too, but I don't know. so I'm guessing maybe more water changes to get the ammonia to 0.... Anyone with any useful input would be greatly appreciated.
What size tank, what make & model of filter, and what are you using to dechlor? Sounds fairly normal, though usually by the time you are seeing nitrates, ammo is not present.
What size tank, what make & model of filter, and what are you using to dechlor? Sounds fairly normal, though usually by the time you are seeing nitrates, ammo is not present.

that depends on whether they have nitrates naturally ocurring in the tap water surely?
that depends on whether they have nitrates naturally ocurring in the tap water surely?

Yes, I tested my tap water for nitrates, and got a reading of 5. I have heard that some supplies have higher nitrates than this.
Yes, I tested my tap water for nitrates, and got a reading of 5. I have heard that some supplies have higher nitrates than this.

yep some certinly do, my taps nitrates are at 33. I would love to have tap water like yours...
I have no idea, I'm going to go to pet store and ask the one main guy I've been talking too. Damn it, I knew this cycling would be a hassle again, before i never got it done right and all my fish winded up dying.

I have a 10 gallon hex, with a bio wheel filter.

If your nitrites is at 0 it either meens you have NO bacteria switching Amonia over to Nitrites or you have enouth bacteria doing it therefor the high nitrates.Add some live plants and do 15 -25 % water change every 2-3 days depending on your amonia level.With 2 Danios your amonia will climed very slowley so just keep a eye on that so dont dont do to much water change as you will prevent the bacteria to build up.Keep in mind that Amonia bacteria and Nitrite bacteria is different as Ammonia bacteria builds up faster.I did fish cycle in 4 weeks.Worked fine.

Hope this helped!!
The pet store guy says my tank is cycled, it's just being funny with the tests. My tank has been running for 4 weeks now. first week had 4 danios, now it's got 3 the last 3 weeks. after the first week the one danio jumped out of the tank and died. anyway in a week he said I should be good to go to get my fancy guppies. he said my tank has been running a month it should def have the proper bacteria, its just that the nitrites arent an issue its the low ammonia issue. so i guess some slight water changes after a week and my tank is cycled. does that make sense?
give it a few days and test again.If all looks fine add your fancy guppies.Leep on doing water changes till your amonia stays a 0 without your help.

Never belive what Petstore people tell you as they dont see it as a hobby but rather as a busiiness
no this guy worked at a strictly fish store for years, I know him from the other place. He usually knows his stuff.

Would adding salt affect anything? I have the drop tests.... I don't get the not having Nitrite thing, but after a month he said the bacteria are there.. It's just the ammonia while being at .25 is still a little questionable.
Yes, I tested my tap water for nitrates, and got a reading of 5. I have heard that some supplies have higher nitrates than this.

yep some certinly do, my taps nitrates are at 33. I would love to have tap water like yours...

So you going to move to Brisy? Nice place. We get a month of hot weather, a month of cold weather, a month of wet weather, and the rest of the time it's great (Note: sometimes the "months" of weather overlap) :lol:
Depends on what filtration you are using. I have a Aquaone 980 tank which uses trickle filtration and used fish to cycle the tank. 5 tetras (supoosedly Serpas but not sure now) then 2 weeks later 2 corries and 10 neons. Lost 2 neons. Had cycled to a certain degree had no ammonia readings well within a month and changed trhe water daily 10% All I can really recommend is regular water changes and keep testing the water.

I Have kept fish since I was ten years old (36 now)and have returned to the hobby after 4 years (sorry for changing your thread :blush: ) But I really do recommend Aquaone tanks to anyone.

Anyway, all I can really recommend is making sure your filter is up to the job and regular water changes with a cycle with fish.

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