My Tank 120X50X40

stick at it, you'll get there eventually.
Not being anywhere near expert in these things, my only suggestion would be to focus on one thing at a time.
E.g try getting rid of the blue/green algae first.I think Jamesfish went down this road recently.Remove as much as you can manually, then total blackout for 3 days.
Hopefully the other kinds will be put on hold through this time, while you get rid of one.
The 3 days will also give you time to research/decide how to tackle the next set of probs.Don't know what other peeps think of this idea?
Just a thought.Good luck

stick at it, you'll get there eventually.
Not being anywhere near expert in these things, my only suggestion would be to focus on one thing at a time.
E.g try getting rid of the blue/green algae first.I think Jamesfish went down this road recently.Remove as much as you can manually, then total blackout for 3 days.
Hopefully the other kinds will be put on hold through this time, will you get rid of one.
The 3 days will also give you time to research/decide how to tackle the next set of probs.Don't know what other peeps think of this idea?
Just a thought.Good luck


Thanks stu.
Believe me the blackout idea as crossed my mind. But for now if possible i'll try to avoid it. I had a algae bloom much worse than now before and managed to get rid of it with cutting light,light hours and 50% water changes every 2 days. I'll try this before. The reason i am having algae again is probably because i was stupid enough to put my light at full power again even after what happened last time.
If it does not work than yes i'll definetely have to try the blackout.
I already did a 50% water change today,and trimmed some of the plants that did not look to good.

Thanks for the advice anyway.
Great looking tank, shame about the algae but stick with it mate. :good:
Hi all

Been out for a couple of weeks. My tank is now 2 months old and i wanted to show some pictures of its evolution.




Hope you guys like it.
love it!

well done mate, you have produced a great scape there. :good:
Love the stages of growth, looks really good now and I hope you've been doing better with your algae issues.
Thanks. And yes it even tough the tank is not completely algae free its not a major concern anymore. I settled the light to 108 watts and accepted the fact that any more than that i only get algae soup. And honestly with only two light bulbs i noticed i'm having a much faster growth than with i was having with four.And the algae disapeared by themselves in a few days.
After that i wanted to try to make some kind of scape from what i had at the moment. So i made some arrangements here and there.
Apart from that i removed my hands from the tank for 2 weeks and let nature do its work,and this is the result.

As for the fish they are healthy and i've had no sickness or death's so i can say the right now i'm very happy with this tank.
told you to stick at it


Yes you did and rightly so. I realized i was being too impatient and messing with the tank too much,so after the right arrangements i just sat back and watched nature at work.
Today i'm 100% sure it was the right move and a lesson i will keep for the future.
The problems i was having slowly disapeared with time without me having to do anything except being patient.

Time for an update on my tank.
Unfortunately i am sad to announce that this project is at an end. I was finally convinced to move to a bigger house.Next week i am moving so the tank will have to be disassembled and moved.
I would be happy to announce that this project has had a fitting end but and provide you guys with great pictures of the tank.

But this tanks demise was not meant to be peacefull. I was having problems with growing Black brush algae in the past few weeks,but the real problem was the sudden malfunction of my heater two days ago.It happened while i was not at home and it was only noticed many hours after, and most of my fishes did not survive,while the one's that did were transferred to a smaller working tank untill the move.
This tank will now be disassembled tomorrow for the move. I was hoping to keep this tank working even in cold water for an extra week to save the plants,be i don't know if its due to the extreme cold that the water is at this moment the plants have started to melt or to show signs of rapid decay.

It will take some time due to the move and christmas for me to start a new project for this tank. I was quite happy with it at its best,even though i had a lot of problems with it since the start it was a good test tank for someone that was away from fishkeeping for so much time.

I was convinced from the beggining that in the winter i would need two heaters but after the decision to move i could not convince the wife to spend any money with the tank.
I really was looking forward to keeping this tank working for a long time but the moving make's it impossible i'll give some update's when a new project for this tank comes live.

I did though of putting pictures of the tank at its end but to me the pictures taken 1 month ago was the tank at its best. And the way it looks now its just depressing it will go into disassembling tomorrow.

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