My Sterlet Is, Well, Bent.


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2007
Reaction score
Rotherham, UK.
So we have a Diamond Sterlet in our pond, and recently I've noticed he seems to always be bent about halfway down his body, always to the same side. He holds himself like this when he swims as well, and he bends from a different place to move in the water so I don't think he's just doing it for the laughs. In addition, he's not as active as others I've seen, rarely coming up to poke his nose out or anything.

Is there any way he may have damaged his back (or whatever it is they have) whilst swimming, and can anything be done to put it right? I can get photos but not until tomorrow now.

A bent spince can mean old age, injury, vitamin defiency, internal parasites, fish tb.
Signs of interal parasites are as follows.
Being thin or bloated.
Enlarged anus, red inflamed anus.
long stringy white poo, or clear mucas poo.
Worms prutruding from the anus.
Bent spine sometimes.

A link to fish tb.
Cheers, I'll have a look into it, see if he's got any of those ailments, and report back. :)
Cheers, I'll have a look into it, see if he's got any of those ailments, and report back. :)

In the case of Sterlets and Sturgeon a bent spine usually indicates that the fish has had a lack of food, and once the fish has bent over their is not much that can be done really.
or its not had enough room to grow properly
how much room does the fish have and how big is it? how big is the fish? how long have you had it?
Apologies, I've been unable to get on as of late.

The pond we have is about six long, four wide and three deep (feet), the sterlet itself is only about ten inches long and we've not had him long, maybe two months.

I gave him a once-over and he seems totally normal apart from the bend, none of the other symptoms mentioned above.
ive no idea on feeding sterlets but do some research on foods and feed it appropriately
We just feed him Tetra Sterlet sinking sticks, most of the other fish nobble it on the way down, but we make sure he gets plenty for himself, I just don't want to overfeed and make the food rot down and mess the pond up. I'll keep an eye on him for now, see how he goes.

P.S. - What about over Winter? Any pointers? Does he still want feeding or do they do as other fish and not eat during Winter?

the fish will start to get sluggish and stay more to the middle and bottom parts of the pond...cut back the feeding to just a small handful every couple days of wheatgerm based food. Feed around midday when the water will be at its warmest and the fish dont digest it through a cold night. When they stop coming up to feed then skim whats on the pond and leave them til the spring. You might get the odd day where they swim around a bit and you can try them with one or two pellets but if they dont eat then its no big deal.
Okido thanks, just wondered if anything special wanted doing as it's our first winter with the sterlet, I'll also keep an eye on his bend and if anything develops I'll inform.

Many thanks!
Okido thanks, just wondered if anything special wanted doing as it's our first winter with the sterlet, I'll also keep an eye on his bend and if anything develops I'll inform.

Many thanks!

the thing with sturgeon/sterlets is water quality water quality water quality etc etc you need to feed a a good food roughly 50 % protein the other fish will nick the food cos its so good so feed plenty also your pond is too small long term, also they highly seceptable to chemicals that other pond fish dont have a problem with
Firstly your ponds too small.

Diamond Backs grow to 6 foot.

Sterlet and sturgeon need food all through the winter.

Tetra Sterlet sticks are the best available food 'off the shelf' for sterlets but this stuff is much better... Great food

It is a bit pricey but for good reason..... it's great stuff. I've fed all my sturgeon on it before and never lost them, they all grew to past 2ft.

Read this website you won't find anywhere else with that much sturgeon information.

Also, if you have used strong chemicals in your pond this can cause bent spines as sturgeon don't react well to most chemicals.
Firstly your ponds too small.

Diamond Backs grow to 6 foot.

Sterlet and sturgeon need food all through the winter.

Tetra Sterlet sticks are the best available food 'off the shelf' for sterlets but this stuff is much better... Great food

It is a bit pricey but for good reason..... it's great stuff. I've fed all my sturgeon on it before and never lost them, they all grew to past 2ft.

Read this website you won't find anywhere else with that much sturgeon information.

Also, if you have used strong chemicals in your pond this can cause bent spines as sturgeon don't react well to most chemicals.

I'll take the size issue up with my Dad when I get the chance, perhaps also with the shop we got it from as they never mentioned the idea it'd grow to six feet. Would keeping him for the time being stunt his growth? Or will he just grow as normal until we have to move him? There's not been any chemicals introduced to the pond as we've never had need to, no illnesses or anything and it's extremely well-established. Is there anything that you think could be done for his 'bend'? Will it perhaps grow out in time? I'll also get some of that food ordered when our current supply runs out, thanks for the advice!

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