My Sterbia Corydoras Are Spawning


Fish Herder
Sep 5, 2007
Reaction score
yorkshire hull
my sterbia are spawning :hyper:
this is there first time they every have ,up to now iv collected 33 eggs dont know how long they have been spawning only relised about an hour ago but i did a big 40% water change today

congrats hun awe you going tp be a daddy again :)

one question do the corys do a sort of mating dance before they spawn - my leopards are quite young but the last water change they started really chasing each other and i didn't know wether this was a practice - not the normal sort of playing

cheers Sarah xx
Good luck with the babies =)
I keep seeing sterbai mentioned and I see they fetch a much higher price than a lot of corys
congrats hun awe you going tp be a daddy again :)

one question do the corys do a sort of mating dance before they spawn - my leopards are quite young but the last water change they started really chasing each other and i didn't know wether this was a practice - not the normal sort of playing

cheers Sarah xx

thxs Sarah
yeah they do iv noteced over the years iv been spawning corydoras
a few days before they spawn the females go up and down the glass.
i know its strange but you get to know the corys uve got and the way they act from day to day , and as soon as they act out ov carictor.
you know 100% there gunna spawn within a couple of days ,
as they go all over the tank rather than on the bottom just looking for food as they usally do.

thxs JustKia :)
they usally go for around £5-6 each but if i raise any ill do them allot cheaper :D

regards dave
Congratulation on the spawn, drewry! Lots of luck with them. A tankful of young sterbai is a beautiful thing to be looking forward to. :D
thxs JenCliBee and Inchworm :good:

im looking forward to raiseing them so far so good with the eggs they all look fertile.
ill let you know if any hatch

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