My Spawn Journal!

never attempt to breed a sick fish, it may be that he is just exhausted but if there is something you don't want to take the chance. i'd regroup and watch them both for a week and then if everything seems good, try again. like sorrell says, the tank is probably too big. bettas can breed in a bucket if you give them a chance (just an example, not a recommendation). water level, no more than 6 inches, lately we have gone even lower at 4 inches. good luck though ;)
yea, the male is interested but hes juts too tired, i dont think he's sick, i think ill pull him and let them cill for a couple days. for now i guess this is on hold -_-
I'd really lower the water level...even if they do spawn, Daddy is going to get so exhausted picking fry up from that level he'll probably just eat them, give up, or get really sick from stress :/ Even if you decide to pull him, there's no way in heck those fry would make it back up top on their own :X I still say 6 inches max, my last was in 3 :thumbs:
Ok, the male is looking really good again and the female to is looking well. i have thw female in the 2 liter again and the male is in a non transperant bucket of his bowl water so he can get used to the tank water. the water lvl has been lowered to 6 inches as recommended and the tank ahs been divided into a smaller section. im going to take it slower thogh, i dont want to get my fish stressed out again. on the other post wuv recommended that i scrub the tank real good. im not sure what exactly why i should do this but i am going to do water changes. i dont beleive it was an illness that got to my male because the female who was in the same water showed no sighns of it. wuv, if u can lemme know about that ill do it but if your think it could of been cause by something in the water i dont see the need to do anything mor that water changes.
ok i have the male in the tank an dthe female in her vase, hes flared at her for about 30 minuts and now he is working diligently on his nest, i think thsi time iv got it right ;)

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