My Spawn Journal!


Jun 5, 2004
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Kenosha, Wisconsin
Hey folks, here are some pics of the pair. Im sry about the quality, takeing pictures of fish isn't easy :D im going to be introduceine the male into the 20g tomarrow at about 4 pm and then put the female in a vase a few hours after at about 6pm so that the male can get setteled in. ill b releaseing the female tuesday night, assumeing that the male builds his nest and all goes to plan -_- both fish are very well fed and quit alert and healthy. i removed the female from her community about 3 days ago so she wouldn't have any contact with any other fish for a while, i heard its good to do. the water in the 20g is going to have conditioner and salt in it for now, but tuesday morning i think im going to put in some indian almond leaves. im not sure what to do with blue meth, i know it protects the eggs but i dont know how its going to work with the indian almond leaves, any help with that will be aprtiated. well enjoy the pics, ill be posting bevelopments as they happen here. wish me luck, i think im gunna need it -_-




Hey Wats Up Man!

Here He Is, He's Accually Much More Stell Than Black, These Pics Are Bad -_-


What Are U Lookin At?!? ( Hes Lookin At The Cat )


Heres A Flare Pic But It Doesn't Do Much For His Colors -_-

Thats All The Pics For Today ;) Nite!
Good luck with your spawn. I do know that indian almond leaf does affect the male to female ratio.. Not sure about blue meth though.
well i dont gotta worry about that i guess, the indian almond leaves didn't show up today and im short on time so iv gotta push crap back a bit -_-
Hey i think i need help alredy, iv got my male in the 20g and the female in a vase, or floating 2 liter coke bottle accually, but thats not the prob. iv had the female in for about 30 minuts and the male in for about an hour or so. he is freaking out! this is the first other fish hes seen in a long while and he just wont stopp flareing at her. i dont want him to hurt himself from flareing too much -_- the female looks intested but shes a bit more layed back than he is. when should he quite with this and go to make a nest? i know i sound a bit impatient but im always paranoid about the well being of my fish especially my bettas. any help is greatly appriciated ;)
Hehe, flaring is a good thing...every fish is different, he may NEVER build a nest, Lol. And a nest isn't absolutely necessary, so if he doesn't, that doesn't mean you won't get fry. I don't think he can hurt himself from flaring too much. Do be prepared though for one or both of your fish being damaged or injured during the spawning...Betta breeding isn't for those who can't handle their fish getting hurt. Be patient, give them time to get a bit used to each other, I would suggest leaving her in the vase until tomorrow, check to see if he started a nest during the night.

Good luck :)

Yes she will be in that vase until tommarrow night when i will release her, i hope the male builds a nest, id hate for the eggs to juts be laying around, what would ahppen if he didn't build a nest? and i have all the meds i need to take care of injuries, i know betas get a bit ruff during spawning so im prepared ;) ok i guess everything is good then, thanx, u guys r the best :thumbs:
:) hey Gup how you been ???? I haven't been on here lately.
I have a few Q?? why do the males build nests ?? how can you tell if they
are male or female?? I've seen them do that flaring thing.. I don't have any bettas, My 11 year old niece does though, a blue one.

Erin :hyper:

Just to let you know Guppy Dude I have 45 baby guppies living happy and well and have had all their colours since 5 months....... 18 males and the rest females some of them are so pretty I'll send you some pics when I can.... :)
hey phlysa nice to hear from u again, ill pm u.

ok guys iv got problems i thing. the male seems to be trying to nest and the bubbles juts keep on poping, hes made nests before but today hes haveing trouple. hes also not flareing at the girl much and he is looking rely tired -_- any ideas to get him to nest or maybe wake him up?
ok scratch that, the male is not looking very good at all, hes staying at the top of the tank with his fins fand out and he's kinda drifting sideways onto his side. his mouth is always above the water and his gills are moving quite fast. the female is still in her floating bottle, shes fine. i really need to know if i should pull the male or not, i dont wnat him to become sick or die.

in the 20g tank i have blue meth ( a little less than a teaspoon ), salt ( 2 teaspoons ), and water conditioner ( 2 teaspoons ). the tank is full. please help!
I'd pull him and rethink your set up. That is a lot of space for him to patrol, let alone display for a female and build a nest. I would guess he is stressed out from all that area. Also, if they should spawn that is going to be very difficult on your fry and daddy to have all that water. You really never want to go higher then 6 inches, I prefer even lower -_-
ok i get what ur saying, i can divide off the tank and give the male a night to chill out. i dont know wether or not i should pull the female too or what -_-

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