My Shrimp Arrived! 22/06/2010 <--- Look what I just won! :D I've not been very happy with this current tank what was apparently in 'Great condition', seriously it took some major manouvering just to get pictures of the shrimp without big dirty scratches all over...

So much happier with this one I just won.
Nope, but I am getting a piece of acrylic instead. Going to cut it so it literally fits... then cut a few large holes for water flow and stick the white plastic mesh over these. It wont be the prettiest divider ever but the most important thing for me is to keep them seperate once they're sexually mature.
Update - I've lost 6 of the original 11 CRS... the water stats have been spot on and the blue tigers are completely unaffected but I've had the CRS dying at a rate of 1 every couple of days. I may have to re-think the tankmates of the blue tigers. I'm thinking more along the lines of cherry shrimp maybe.
This is unfortunate :(

Seems really strange that one is dying and the other isn't... Have you contacted the supplier? I would definately do that
I'm in contact with him now. He's being really really supportive and at no point has it even crossed my mind that it is the shrimp (well that's a did cross my mind but only cause I'm so frustrated at having no specific thing as the 'cause' and therefore no way to definitely fix it).
However I don't actually think it's his fault at all. I don't think it's anyones fault...just that there is literally something in my water they're objecting to. I've sent him my water board report along with some other stuff to see if anything jumps out to him.

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