There are some beautiful shrimp there, the Crystal Red Shrimp look to be of fine quality, if you ever wanted to offload any offspring I would happily take some.
Sadly I lost a couple due to an ammonia spike...thankfully I have a new filter arriving today. The current one is a bit too tempremental.
The rest are doing fine though and I don't blame anyone other than myself.
Getting a piece of acrylic soon that I'm going to attach the divider too because they seem intent on swapping sides at the mo lol.
I'm also getting a nice new (second hand) tank for them tonight. And Aqua60 by superfish, 7months old and perfectly scratch free. It's going to be just as heavy but the shorter length means it's easier for me too carry when moving day comes about.
Sadly I only have myself to blame. I've got a brand new fluval U2 in now, so no more problems hopefully. Just need to shrimp proof it a bit with a thin piece of sponge on each side and we should be all set
Sort of. I'm basically going to leave them along for the first 6months to see how things go and just let them multiply. Once I have a decent selection to pick from I'll basically just keep the best 30 odd at any one time and sell on the ones that aren't as good.
However the 'rejects' will still be S+ grade. And that's grading by japanese standards
I was thinking of setting up a shrimp tank but with more unusual shrimp such as red claw macro later on this year, quite convenient and may be well timed to get some unwanted tiger blue shrimp from you
Lol, they'll be the most expensive unwanted shrimp you're likely to purchase! Though to be fair they're fantastic quality, I love watching them. Just a shame I'm rubbish with a camera.
If theres more pics of the tiger blues i'd love to see them I'm going to get some much cheaper blue pearls for my current tank and hopefully the 2 rams won't eat them!