My Shrimp Arrived! 22/06/2010


Is now at University! :D
Mar 26, 2009
Reaction score
Uk, Nottinghamshire
I can't wait for them to arrive... some of you might know I've been planning this for awhile. Well I ordered and paid for them a couple of weeks ago and they'll be here on Tuesday!

I'm getting...
4 x 60% Black Tigers (super super dark blue tigers)
6 x Dark Blue Tigers
10 x CRS S+ Grade
^^ That's over £300 worth of shrimp lol

I've got a 60l set-up for them, just need to pop the divider in once I've re-homed my Kuhlis and my Rams. Though it's more important the kuhlis are re-homed before the shrimp arrive cause they're such a pain to catch!

This is all courtesy of, I can't recommend Chavez (the owner), enough. He's been a great help and is providing a great service as the blue tigers are near impossible to get hold of as a private buyer.
Hehe, I have the day off work and am charging a camera battery. I will be taking in the bag pictures anyways just in case, plus some in the bag acclimatising and then a few hours after they've gone in I'll have some proper tank pics with the lights on.

I'm really hoping the 60% darks will cross nicely with the dark blues to give some really vibrant babies... but who knows.
I wanted to get some blue pearl ones when my tanks a bit more established. No where near the quality of those but even then they still look amazing.
Fair play Curiosity, I've got something big planned through Chavez too! Good luck to you, hope they all arrive in good nick.
OMG Just seen the Dark Blue Tigers on his ebay page. they are amazing.
Heya it's Curiosity on my bf's account. I changed my e-mail address and now my account wont re-activate... anyhoo. First lot of pics, I've not turned the lights on yet so am finding it impossible to get good pics of CRS and can't get any of the blues but here you are...



More to come when tank lights go on.
I can't, the divider has to stay. They can interbreed and these guys cost far too much for be to go letting them do that.

Worst comes to worst I'll just have to get a perspex divider and filter them seperately.
Try a sponge divider, inlet in one side of the tank, outlet on the other. The water moves through the sponge kinda like a HMF filter, and as long as the sponge is far enough out of the water at the top, even shrimplets wont get through.
Wow, they're great! :hyper: I especially love the blue ones... if you ever have too many, I will be happy to take them of your hands :lol:
I bet you will Simon! lol. Divider problem is sorted, but as a long term solution I'm going to get a piece of acyrlic cut EXACTLY the dimensions inside of the tank and fit that instead. I'll cut some holes in it and silicone the plastic mesh over the holes so I can still use one filter :)

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