My Seneye Review

I've had mine for a month now and every thing has been running fine, Had a few email alerts when my temp dropped a few degrees, the reading have been pretty stable ph is 7.5 but rises over the week to 7.9 soon has I do a water change it drops back to 7.5 so I would say its working ok.
If the netbook has a USB and windows it should work. I think Seneye spent a lot of money on their "endorsements"
THanks for getting back so quick.
How did things work out with your Seneye?
Did you return it or did you suffer on with it?
I've grown tired of seeing the stupid red pH warning light on constantly ( claiming a false reading of 6.4 ) when my pH measures 7.6 with my super reliable and accurate Salifert test kit. This expensive, rushed to market piece of junk is going back for a full refund.

When low end professional meters of this kind cost in the several hundred to thousands range, I'm always going to be sceptical of something that claims to measure all those parameters for just over a hundred quid! It'll be marvellous if they can pull it off though.
I've just had the Seneye for Christmas. I'm a mac user so a bit disappointed that the main software is windows only, BUT I've got it working through my Parallels software which turns the mac into a windows machine. The monitoring software is web based so it works fine on all machines. It would be fine on a net book because they are windows based. Ive just been on the phone to Seneye asking a few questions and the chap has been very helpful. I'm very happy so far and I wouldn't write it off yet!!
Forgot to add that I've had several email warnings, not because the tank is in trouble, but because I had set my parameters completely wrongly. It advises you when the readings are outside the parameters you set by moving red lines up and down on the graphs.
I hate to admit I was wrong but I must. Turns out my tank has a very low pH and the Seneye was working properly. Plus, the guys at Seneye gave me 3 free slides for my trouble! I am now and have been for a while receiving text message and email alerts. They are working on a new slide that reads lower than 6.4 pH. As of today, Seneye is a cool gadget. Looking forward to their digistrip that will add capabilities for reading Nitrite, Nitrate, Chlorine, Carbonate and General Hardness. :good:

But thanks none the less for sharing your experience. I shall wait for Seneye II reveiws.... :blink:

EDIT: Above was a reply to the last message on the first page. #41#### work PC.

Glad its all fixed, i might just hang out for the second gen however....
Was that after the "i want a refund!" ...Seneye "sorry you cant have one, but how about some stuff?" :D
I don't see the point in these high tech systems, the technology isn't good enough for a product in a hobbyists price range. Besides we don't need to how much free ammonia or nitrite there is to 3 decimal places, 1 decimal place is enough, and a set of Salifert kits will last years (I know you're a fan KISSfn ;) as I am myself) for a fraction of the price.
Was that after the "i want a refund!" ...Seneye "sorry you cant have one, but how about some stuff?" :D
No. Seneye has gone out of their way to help me and show me data and readings from all my slides that are not on the public website. They did more than they had to to prove the pH portion of the slide was really working, such as:
"When I look at lux against pH I can see the pH goes up when the lights come on and down when they go out. This is what you would expect in a planted tank as carbonic acid is removed from the water via photosynthesis using up the available CO2.When zoomed in this becomes more apparent, this shows proof of life, the pad is reacting"

They had previously agreed to give me 2 free slides. When I entered the discount code they gave me it deducted the price of 3 slides. When I told them about the mistake I was told to go ahead and keep the extra slide.

As I stated before, my credit card will give me a refund without the need for Seneye's blessing.

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