Inaccuracies that I've read elsewhere that have been disproven thus far:
two male bettas cannot be housed together for more than a few minutes--mine have lived together for nearly two months
angelfish are nippers and will not tolerate long finned fish
gouramis, paradise, and bettas are of the same family and thus should not be kept together as they will confuse one another for competing males
peacock cichlids are aggressive and should never be kept in a community setting
firemouths are aggressive and should not be mixed with community fish...when actually, they interact with mollies all the time in the wild
rams are very "gentle"....yet mine has been the bully of the tank
angelfish will not tolerate hard water
bettas will not tolerate current
peacocks will not tolerate 7.0 pH
i am not doing this to hurt the fish. they are fish i love and enjoy watching. as i said, i will not allow them to be hurt on my watch, and have removed a prior threat. those of you who so arrogantly responded on your high horses; all of these above statements I have read as "fact" on various forums and profiles. I do not believe in tried and true methodology. Fishkeeping is an adventure. I am not sacrificing the health of my pets. I also keep two guinea pigs and a cat. They've never fought--but plenty were up in arms about that. That said, I wouldn't let the cat alone with the pigs unsupervised. I'm not suggesting putting a Green Terror in a tank of guppies.
Yes, I expected criticism, but I thought people would be a little more open minded. This is supposed to be a forum where people gain advice and experience and yes, I believe experimenting with the established rules is part of that adventure, as long as it doesn't jeopardize the animal.
Furthermore, I was only using the pet store standard as a way of showing the poor quality of the water the fish are used to and parameters, not my standard for stocking. My tank is hardly pet store stocked.
I will be deleting my shortlived membership to this forum. Not because anyone has proven me wrong, or a "troll", but because I've found you quite closed minded as a whole.
two male bettas cannot be housed together for more than a few minutes--mine have lived together for nearly two months
angelfish are nippers and will not tolerate long finned fish
gouramis, paradise, and bettas are of the same family and thus should not be kept together as they will confuse one another for competing males
peacock cichlids are aggressive and should never be kept in a community setting
firemouths are aggressive and should not be mixed with community fish...when actually, they interact with mollies all the time in the wild
rams are very "gentle"....yet mine has been the bully of the tank
angelfish will not tolerate hard water
bettas will not tolerate current
peacocks will not tolerate 7.0 pH
i am not doing this to hurt the fish. they are fish i love and enjoy watching. as i said, i will not allow them to be hurt on my watch, and have removed a prior threat. those of you who so arrogantly responded on your high horses; all of these above statements I have read as "fact" on various forums and profiles. I do not believe in tried and true methodology. Fishkeeping is an adventure. I am not sacrificing the health of my pets. I also keep two guinea pigs and a cat. They've never fought--but plenty were up in arms about that. That said, I wouldn't let the cat alone with the pigs unsupervised. I'm not suggesting putting a Green Terror in a tank of guppies.
Yes, I expected criticism, but I thought people would be a little more open minded. This is supposed to be a forum where people gain advice and experience and yes, I believe experimenting with the established rules is part of that adventure, as long as it doesn't jeopardize the animal.
Furthermore, I was only using the pet store standard as a way of showing the poor quality of the water the fish are used to and parameters, not my standard for stocking. My tank is hardly pet store stocked.
I will be deleting my shortlived membership to this forum. Not because anyone has proven me wrong, or a "troll", but because I've found you quite closed minded as a whole.