My Rio 125l Dp Tank

Good to here Bagu! I cant wait until i get planting!!! Just finalizing my plant list now! Will update in a moment!
Okay plant list, with some help from aaronnorth!
5 x Java Fern
5 x Pygmy Chain Sword
5 x Java Moss
5 x Crassula Helmsii
5 x Amazon Sword
1 x Water Lettuce
7 x Crypt Balansae
2 x Blyxa Japonica (potted)
5 x Crypt Becketii
Comes to a total of £21 inc p&p. And advances on my plant choice? I allready have some tall straight valis growing in my tank ;)
The one thing that does slightly confuse me, is the time it takes to deliver the plants. As i am going away for some of the easter break, i will need to know when i should receive them... Or maby i should just hold fire until after all the holidays are out of the way then order them.
Okay, this is probably my final plant list:
5 x Java Fern
2 x Blyxa Japonica (potted)
5 x Pygmy Chain Sword
5 x Java Moss
5 x Crassula Helmsii
5 x Amazon Sword
1 x Water Lettuce
10 x Crypt Becketii
7 x Crypt Balansae
5 x Elodea Densa
5 x Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis
To this I will be adding my Straight Valis and some of my Water Wisteria. I will also be buying some ferts, probably EasyLife EasyCarbo and Tropica plant nutrition, as suggested by RadaR earlier in the thread. If anyone sees any problems with these plants for a 1 1/2 WPG tank, please let me know, as i will not be ordering until Thursday. Ill probably send this off to Aaronnorth aswell :)
Just for the sake of the people who may want to follow this in any way, here is the reply from Aaronnorth.
the L.Brasiliensis may struggle, and the blyxa can be hard although it does respond well too easycarbo dosing. It may melt intially too as it doesnt travel well. Apart from that everything sounds fine.

I have never heard of Crassula Helmsii, but looking at the picture it looks aquatic.
:D Gosh i had forgotten! I was going to do a before picture, but I couldnt find the camera cable! Haha! Plants wont be coming for an age though :( Basically, you order on Thursday, I receive the plants on Wednesday 8th, which i should be at home for, so i can still order :D! I would be leaving for Scotland the Thursday or Friday, so i could be away for up to a week :( I could put an automatic plug timer on for the lights, but i wouldnt be there for dosing the ferts, so would this be much of a problem???
P.s, hopefully the cable will be found soon! XD
I don't know much about the fert dosing but wouldn't it be easier to get the plants delivered after you get back?
Probably!!! Haha! im just so impatient!! Also, i will be running out of time, the big GCSE's are coming up and they are going to be my main priority. Also, there would be no one at home to accept the delivery :( Best bet is to get it before we go away :/
First things first of course :) Hope royal mail delivers on time in that case ^_^
A Revival of the thread!!!!
Finally i can get started with this project as i have completed holidays and exams!!!!
Have ordered the plants from java, expecting them this time next week; and have ordered one bag of eco complete 20lbs to hopefully give the plants a good boost! Will pick up the ferts from my LFS and am still waiting on some DP's coming into stock!!!!
I am also looking for suggestions of somewhere to get some cheap rock, i live near the beach if that helps ;)
5 x Java Fern (Java025) = £1.35
5 x Elodea Densa (Java069) = £0.90
5 x Dwarf Hairgrass (Java090) = £1.15
2 x Blyxa Japonica (potted) (Java013) = £3.50
5 x Pygmy Chain Sword (Java003) = £1.45
5 x Java Moss (Java001) = £1.28
5 x Crassula Helmsii (Java086) = £2.25
5 x Amazon Sword (Java037) = £1.50
1 x Water Lettuce (Java070) = £0.95
10 x Crypt Becketii (Java014) = £2.90
7 x Crypt Balansae (Java052) = £5.25
5 x Giant Japanese Rush (Java098) = £2.35
1 x Moss Ball (Chladophora Aegagrophila) (UNUS004) = £3.95
Sub-Total: £28.78
UK delivery: £2.45
Total: £31.23

There is the total list of plants that ive ordered. Also, add one 20lb bag of eco complete at £18.50 and thats your lot!
A Quick Update!
The tank is now fully prepared - completley cleaned out with all the gravel out! Just waiting for the eco complete to arrive tuesday! If anyone has a clue on how you are meant to prepare it, i need to know!!

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