My Rio 125l Dp Tank

Aaah Cheers! Just out of curiosity, is it better to buy the plants potted, leaded or just single?
Hhhmm, technically potted because it costs more however I don't think there is a right or wrong answer.
I've just ordered 15stems of Sea Grass Plant (Heteranthera Zosterifolia), individual stems that is, without hesitation.
For stems I don't believe it matters too much. Perhaps crypts and swords you might be better off with potted.
For special plants for a really serious aquascape I would buy from Aquafleur or Tropica. Yet the plants you have pointed out should still be in good condition if bought from Java. Cheap to fill up a tank too.
Nice big tank for the little peas :D

As far as I know, DPs don't dig themselves in sand. They might, however, blow over the sand to get to snails if they have to.
Aaah i-snail! Ive been waiting for you...
Muhahaha... Just kidding! lol! I must have just read it somehwere that they like to do that... or maby it was some other puffer:D Yeah i know, it will be awesome in my room to have a puffer tank heh heh! incedently, i-snail, when you raised some babies, did you post them off? Im currently in the position of finding someone to supply them as my LFS dont get them in :( Saying that, i havent asked them to order them especially for me, so i can still keep that in mind. Also, Trimar say that they dont get them in that often :(
5 x Java Fern
1 x Water Lettuce
5 x Amazon Sword
5 x Crassula Helmsii
5 x Java Moss
5 x Pygmy Chain Sword
This is the current list on which amounts to around a tenner counting postage. I can tseem to find many 'low light' plants, so im struggling a bit here :( Help!!! :D You guys are awesome, guiding me along here, so thanks!!!
:lol: Yeah, some other puffers do bury themselves in sand.

My babies.... they were given away to people who live locally or LFS. I was told by LFS that they were worth nothing :angry: To be honest, I can't bear the thought of putting them through such a journey. Too attached to them :lol:

Edit: I mean posting them
Haha, i know, i totally understand where you are coming from :) They are such personalities!!! It is odd that they are so cheap, yet no where has them in???!!! especially as they are quite popular at the moment... :( I'd appreciate it if you could keep an eye on this thread though, to help me, bieng a puffer noob! It just looks like i will either have to wait for trimar to get them in stock, or pester my LFS to order them in! lol. Also, what wormer did you use i-snail?
Also, sorrry for the double post, how many puffers do you keep in your tank, and ratio of male:female?
Definitely fish of them month :lol: My local Maidenhead Aquatics always has them. It's strange that they are so rare in certain areas in the country.

I've never had to use any wormer throughout the 3 years I've had mine. I think people use Wormer Plus for discus on their puffers with good results otherwise. I don't like to use medication unless necessary.

And you know I will watch all DP related threads ;)
Heh Heh, i can see why! They are AWESOME!!! hahaha! I do have a MA around 20 mins away in a Dobbies. I went there aaaaaages ago with a pal and they had puffers but they were GSP's. Tomorrow i will give a ring around all the LFS's bugging them haha! I can't wait until i get my little gang! Need to sort out the tank decor first though! Want to have some input in it? So far, we are thinking of a 'c' shaped circle of plants around the edge, leaving an area for them to be viewed in the middle. They can always dash into the thick plant life if needs be. Im going to theme it 'jungle' with twogs and bogwood, so there will be plenty of mental stimulation for them which i know from keeping bettas is vital for keeping these fish. They are just so inquisitive that they get bored easy! haha!
Gonna have to go now as battery is running low - leave me some laverly posts guys!
Also, sorrry for the double post, how many puffers do you keep in your tank, and ratio of male:female?

Well, I have 3 DP tanks. All rather small compared to yours :blush:

I have tried different combinations and all I can say is that whether it works or not depends a lot on the personalities of your DPs. And obviously how much space they have. My original breeding DP trio (2M:1F) have been together all this time and I've not had too much trouble except the odd chasing when it comes to their favourite food. Generally, more females:fewer males ratio works better because it's usually males competing for some good looking female(s) :rolleyes:
i got 4 now in a 20gallon :)


and they are happy all the time, they come and swim to me when they see me XD

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