My puffers are in attack mode

Acclaimed said:
Since I need to step backwards, whats the proper way to add water? How long should it sit/be treated before its added?
You can add the water as soon as you've treated it.

I usually add the required amount of dechlorinator to a bucket, then fill it up with water and pour straight into the tank. This allows plenty of mixing between the water and the dechlorinator.

Whatever you do, never add un-dechlorinated water to a tank - it will kill any beneficial bacteria straightaway and you will have to start cycling all over again. It will also stress any fish you have in the tank at the time.
Well Ive got three things to say

1. :::sigh:::
2. Yikes
3. Right when I think I know what Im doing.

Preciate it, I'll let everybody know what happens.
Also, along with the last post about adding a dechlorinator, you should get some sort of water buffer. This will keep your water's PH at a stable level, rather than fluctuating all the time, which puffers cant handle. I use something called Proper PH 7.0 , which brings your PH to 7.0 then stablizes it so it wont fluctaute and cause stress. This is different from products that say that they will raise your PH, because with this product your PH will eventually go back to where it was, and then you will have to add more of the initial product. A buffer will keep your water's PH from going up/down all the time, which causes stress.

Also, thank you to SirMinion for clearing that up, I wasnt sure which came first anymore. I finished my tank cycling awhile back. I just hope my info was helpful (all that typing better have been worth something!) :)
Acclaimed said:
Ive always heard snails cause ammonia to raise and since Im feeding them a lot of snails, how can I balance that out?
Don't worry, it's the snail's life processes & waste that push up the ammonia, just like any other living creature in your tank.

But since your snails don't spend much time in the tank alive then I really wouldn't worry about it.

And don't get downhearted. Puffers are worth it!

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