My Poorly Bettas :(

RIP Waffle :(

How are the others this morning?

I dont think this is a "new" problem with bettas it's just what is it. I had it months ago and at least another 2 or 3 members are loosing their girls in the same way I lost mine. I tried loads of different things to save them but nothing worked; the other members on here have tried different things and nothing...I hope someone can shed some light on this to stop it happening to someone else.
this is all very baffling...has anyone done a necropsy on a betta that has died this way? ????
how awful! Some questions:
Aside from the paling, clamping and lethargy, any other symptoms? Have you noticed flicking or rubbing (even in other fish that dont seem affected yet)? Spitting out food? Hiding? Stringy white or mucousy poo?
It definately is not Ich or columnaris. Im leaning toward internal bacterial issue. Do you share equipment between tanks (nets, syphons etc)? Has the water temp been stable? This time of year sometimes the temp swings a few degrees fairly quickly which can cause stress and bring out beasites that have been otherwise fought off by the fish's immune system.

If no flicking, rubbing, spitting food, or strange poo id almost certainly think bacterial. Treat with 1 teaspoon per 5 gal of aqarium salt and antimicrobial med (i know you cant get antibiotics where you are).
fingers crossed for you. Devestating to lose so many at once (or have them be so ill all at once).

all the best
As said at the start, my water is fine 0 ammonia 0 nitrite and 0 nitrate as im doing extra water changes on all of my tanks. Of course I use dechlorinator
why have you got 0 for Nitrates? you should have some nitrates in a cycled tank :blink:
how awful! Some questions:
Aside from the paling, clamping and lethargy, any other symptoms? Have you noticed flicking or rubbing (even in other fish that dont seem affected yet)? Spitting out food? Hiding? Stringy white or mucousy poo?
It definately is not Ich or columnaris. Im leaning toward internal bacterial issue. Do you share equipment between tanks (nets, syphons etc)? Has the water temp been stable? This time of year sometimes the temp swings a few degrees fairly quickly which can cause stress and bring out beasites that have been otherwise fought off by the fish's immune system.

If no flicking, rubbing, spitting food, or strange poo id almost certainly think bacterial. Treat with 1 teaspoon per 5 gal of aqarium salt and antimicrobial med (i know you cant get antibiotics where you are).
fingers crossed for you. Devestating to lose so many at once (or have them be so ill all at once).

all the best

Thanks for your reply, been waiting on you :)

There is no rubbing, been looking out for it.
The temperature did have a drop but that's all I can put it down to.
All tanks have there own labeled equiptment so no sharing.

Thank you
have you tried almond leaf in the tanks, works for most clamping fins etc and its more natural than meds?
have you tried almond leaf in the tanks, works for most clamping fins etc and its more natural than meds?
With so many fish affected i would not go the "natural" route. Im all about using meds ONLY when necessary. I think this is one of those cases. Try aquarium salt first, see it that helps. Give it a few days. Just be careful redosing with waterchanges. You dont want to keep redosing for the entire tank volume, only what you replace (might seem common sense but a fact often overlooked).
aquarium salt does a few things which are beneficial-helps the fish with osmotic regulation and also makes the environment less tolerable to any sort of bacteria, fungus and most parasitic beasties.
if you didnt want to treat the tank but still wanted treatment, try dips in aquarium salt...mix at 1 teaspoon per GAL and leave the fish in up to 30 mins 2x a day. start with say once a day for 15 mins and work your way up to max length. Hopefully will see some improvement within a few days without the need for antimicrobial meds.
best of luck and keep us posted. Fingers crossed for you and your babies

hmmm. just another thought actually, doubtful as there are no flicking/flashing but worth a look-see. Shine a flashlight on them in a darkened room. Look for rusty dusty coating on the fish=velvet. Doubtful but worth a look. Generally easily treated with anti external parasite meds like copper sulfate, even a tank blackout for 5 days generally will take care of most cases as it needs light to complete its life-cycle.
if its any help one of mine died recently with similar symptoms
I don't suppose you know anyone with a microscope? It sounds like it could be flukes or maybe costia but it's difficult to know with no definitive symptoms. It reminds me of when my goldies had a fluke infestation. No symptoms whatsoever and then I woke up with half dead and the rest panting/sitting on the bottom.
Hope the others are looking better. Good luck!
Well I lost Thai, which I knew I would, he hung on for so long so I was happy when he went on Saturday morning :(
I have 3 of his sons and 3 of his daughters as keepers from his spawn though.

I have also lost 1 more female.

My girls have improved a lot and are now getting treated with protozin, 1 girl looked a little fungusy.
They are a lot less clamped after there 2nd dose of treatment so fingers crossed they all pull through.

I dont know what was wrong with the males, it certainly wasnt the same as the females.
Really glad that you are seeing some improvement with your girls Vicki. The trouble is they start of with one thing wrong,- which none of us have been able to quite work out,- and then like yours and Nat's they then develop fungus (or in some cases something else). Always the trouble when they're run down with little resistance to infections etc.

You know how gutted I am about Thai and Waffle. So glad that you have Thai's boys and girls to continue his lineage though xxxx

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