My Poor Menchi

Jun 26, 2006
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My poor cat isn't doing so well. Menchi is my siamese-ish girl I got from someone that was going to make her an outside cat. (Shes declawed and handicapped, so that wouldn't have been good for her.)

She has a deformed back leg, and I noticed the other day that she wasn't using her good leg, either, she was dragging her hindquarters behind her. She didn't seem to be in pain, and she was ok with me messing with her leg, but she wouldn't use it.

I got her to the vet, and its a new vet that I totally love. He says that she is a stumper of a case, and not something they see everyday. I was there for 2 hours as he and the other vets poured over books, talked amoungst themseleves, and did all kinds of tests on her.

It turns out that she has high blood pressure (hypertension), which has caused her to go blind, and possibly caused a blood clot that is blocking circulation to her hind legs. From what I read, this is a painful condition, but she shows very little sign of pain (she wiggles a little when you massage a certain spot in her back). She also has a deformed vertebrate in her back, which might be causing neurological problems.

She is on 2 meds, one for pain and the other for reducing the swelling around her deformed vertebrate. It may or may not help. At best the swelling will go away and she will regain control of her back legs. More likely, the meds won't do much, if anything.

She still seems happy, but she seems to be getting worse. At first, she would use the litter box in my closet, then go back to her kennel on the other side of the room. Last night she slept in the closet, and she hasn't come out since then. She dosen't seem to want to move anymore.

I'll give the meds a few weeks to work, but if she gets much worse or seems like she has given up, she may be put to sleep. I don't want to be cruel and allow her to suffer, but I want to give her every chance I can to allow her to get better.

I'm not sure why I am posting, other than I am sad and no one around me seems to understand that I can be so heartbroken over a cat.

This is my little Menchi:


Shes only 2 years old. :(
poor baby :no: , its a very sad thing to watch them go on like this, bless her,
theres not much i can say to make things better, im sure she knows you love her and made her life so much better than it could of been :nod: , take care Donna x
<big hug> babe these things are always so awful, my thoughts are with you - take care X
Oh I completely understand EXACTLY how you feel! I can only hope for your sake and hers that she recovers which was not the case with my Phoenix. She lost the use of her back legs 2 days before she died. She also slept in my closet and would not come out. The funny thing was that she purred up until 2 hours before she died. On Friday I knew it was the day and around 12:45 that night she came to me , cried and then she died in my arms. I am truly heart broken as she was like my child. I had her since she was 4 weeks old. I am about to burst into tears now as I only buried her last night. I will say a prayer for your Menchi and hope that she gets better. We send all our love to you and her. If not for my 4 other cats distracting me I don't know what I would do. *Hugs for you and Menchi*

Thank you everyone. Her back seems to be bothering her more (if I even touch it, she cocks her head and gets all stiff like it bothers her) but she dosen't seem to be unhappy or upset otherwise. The meds don't seem to be doing much, but she has only been on them for a few days...

Thanks again for the cyberhugs and good wishes/prayers.
aw poor lil baby, hope she gets better, if not i'm sure you'll choose the best thing for her and we are all here for you. hope she gets better *hugs*
-_- I thought her symtoms were too close to my Phoenix for it to be good news. I am truly sorry.

Today I was going through the house and without thinking I called for her , my other cat was her best mate and she keeps looking for her. BIG BIG hugs for you! Luckily I have a litter due on friday so I am hoping this takes my mind off it.

Hope u are ok?

My thoughts are with you, it's so sad to see a pet pass away :( When my baby Kiki passed away I cried for about a week, but I just thought that she wasn't suffering anymore.

:rip: Little Menchi, I'm sure your owner took great care of you, and I'm sure you were greatly loved. :sad:
I understand what you're feeling. We have an outdoor cat that was our daughters before she got married and we inherited him when she moved out. He is 16 years old now and not in good health. About 6 or 8 months ago we noticed that he had a growth on his head and that it seemed to be affecting his eye and nose as he sneezed blood sometimes. Otherwise, he never appeared to be in any pain. He still ate and seemed to be doing the things he always did. We knew that it was probably some type cancer but figured at his age, he would never recover from an operation, even if they could operate on his head.

We had to take him to the vet this week for his rabies vaccination and they agreed that it was most likely cancer but also found a couple open wounds on his side and leg that we hadn't seen. The said that those probably would never heal because of the cancer. The cut his hair (had to give him a sedative to do that) so it wouldn't get matted to the sores. We never realized how skinny he had gotten because of all the fur. He was a very big, healthy tom cat in his prime. He really does look bad now and we are questioning his quality of life. He still doesn't appear to be in any pain but suddenly seems to just lay in his bed.

We are struggling with whether it is time to have him put down. We've already had to do that with a stray cat my wife brought home in July. Neither of us wants him to suffer but as I said, he doesn't seem to be in any pain. Sadly, I have prayed every day since he came home from the vet last Friday that the Lord would let him pass peacefully in the night so we wouldn't have to make that decision but I think it is going to be ours to make. He was never a very friendly cat and would try to bite if you petted him very long but still, he is family and it isn't an easy decision.

GoldfishAttentionSpan my thoughts are with you.

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