My Poor Cat Vivian

you must feel sorry for those people who say "it's only a cat", it must be horrible to have so few emotions and be so limited to feel like that.

Our thoughts are with you and Viv and I hope that your miracle happens. Lots of hugs Luc.
Thanks guys

Miss Wiggle - I hope everything is ok with you? It's awful sitting at work in a mess. One minute you are ok, then someone asks whats wrong and off you go again. I hope things sort themselves out for you.

Natsuko - I hope I haven't depressed everyone with this thread. It just helps to share things with people that understand what you are going through. Also it is easier to write things than speak them without blubbing.

Moray - thanks for the hugs, much appreciated
Thanks guys

Miss Wiggle - I hope everything is ok with you? It's awful sitting at work in a mess. One minute you are ok, then someone asks whats wrong and off you go again. I hope things sort themselves out for you.

Just having a bit of a bad day today, hormones and stuff, i'll be reet soon enough I;m sure. But yeah it's awful sat at work dead upset, and cos I work in a male dominated environment they just don't know what to do if you get upset!! :rolleyes:
Thanks guys

Miss Wiggle - I hope everything is ok with you? It's awful sitting at work in a mess. One minute you are ok, then someone asks whats wrong and off you go again. I hope things sort themselves out for you.

Just having a bit of a bad day today, hormones and stuff, i'll be reet soon enough I;m sure. But yeah it's awful sat at work dead upset, and cos I work in a male dominated environment they just don't know what to do if you get upset!! :rolleyes:

you must admit that's the only fun side in being tearful;, watching the men Squirm :D hope you feel better soon.
Thanks guys

Miss Wiggle - I hope everything is ok with you? It's awful sitting at work in a mess. One minute you are ok, then someone asks whats wrong and off you go again. I hope things sort themselves out for you.

Just having a bit of a bad day today, hormones and stuff, i'll be reet soon enough I;m sure. But yeah it's awful sat at work dead upset, and cos I work in a male dominated environment they just don't know what to do if you get upset!! :rolleyes:

you must admit that's the only fun side in being tearful;, watching the men Squirm :D hope you feel better soon.

ha ha........ well seeing as my fella comes on here I can't comment on that as far as my home life goes ;)
Well, another update but it's not good news. The vets have called and they managed to do an X-ray without putting her out to do it as they think she is still too weak.

The X-ray has come back clear - no fluid on the lungs, so they did another blood test which again came back clear. This should all be good news but apparently she is going downhill rapidly :-(

They now have no idea what is wrong with her but have told us she is very poorly. They think the only thing we can do is to take her to a specialist but that is going to cost over £1500 which we jsut don't have. The vet has also advised against it as he thinks she is too weak and won't make it anyway.

We are being called in to discuss all the options but have been told the kindest thing to do is to have her put to sleep as she will only suffer longer. It seems so unfair when they don't know what is wrong. I can handle this if we were told what the problem is, but no-one knows and she is just going downhill. She is back on the drip and breathing heavy again.

I know what we have to do but it is so awful not knowing why we are doing it. :-( :-( :-(
awwwww I'm so sorry to hear that. Unfortunately it sounds like putting her to sleep may be the best option. It's a very sad day and a tough descision but with the love and support of your family I'm sure you'll figure your way to doing the right thing and come through it. Poor little kitty. :-( :-( :-(
I'm sorry to hear it's not looking good. Sadly, vets bills and other animal carers are usually extremely large, and when you want to do something for your pet, you just can't afford it. :(

I hope that she does pull through, but from what you say, it doesn't seem likely.

My thoughts are with you and the cat.
Thanks guys

I love her too much to put her through a load of tests when the vet says it will stress her too much and she won't handle it. If it was easily fixable it wouldn't take a specialist to find out what was wrong.

It's so awful not knowing what has happened to her though. This all started on Saturday so has been very sudden.

My poor baby girl :-(
:-( so sorry to hear. It doesn't sounds like you have too much of a choice - but to let her go peacefully.

Vets bills can be so horrendously expensive and that's why I believe insurance is absolutely imperative - unless you are way diligent and can put away "x" amount per month in an animal sick fund kitty.

Anyway - all the *very* best of strength in making your decision.
:-( Poor Bex

It is a very hard decision to make, but I am sure you are doing what you know is the very best for Vivian. This is the unfortunate part of being a pet owner, having to decide for your pet because they just can't tell you.

My thoughts are with you, hubby and Vivian Bex.

We got to the vets last night and the first thing he said to us was that Vivian really wasn't very well. He took us through her X-rays, her lungs were clear, blood test were clear, he couldn't find anything wrong with her. But when he brought her out to us I could see how bad she was.

The only light the vet could shed is that he thought it was her heart. He said her heart looked very small for a cat of her age/size. He said her heart was about the size of a 5-6 year old cat. So there was basically nothing anyone could do, not even the best specialist or any amount of money would have fixed her, so we had to let her go. :-( :-(

Rest in peace my beautifull Vivian. :-( :-( :-(
Oh, the poor darling. At least she is at peace now, and I am sure she appreciates all that you did for her. :flowers:

:rip: little girl...
I'm so sorry for you, poor Viv - you did the right thing, it was a horrid decision to have to make, especially not knowing what was wrong, I do feel for you.

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