My Poor Cat Vivian

Bex, Im so sorry to hear that poor viv has gone, but at least you now know she is in a better place and in no more pain, and you know that you did the right thing for her.

All the best to you and take care of yourself x x
Thanks for all the support guys. I'm in absolute bits at work at the moment. I know we did the right thing but it is so hard.
:-( I am so sorry Bex

It's amazing that if her heart was so small, she lived for so long only having problems now. But still, it doesn't make it any easier. I am so sorry for your loss. It doesn't matter what kind of animal or the size, the pain is still the same. And no one can tell you, you are overreacting.

I'm sure you have wonderful memories of her and she very much loved with her time with you.

:rip: Vivian, you will be sorely missed ...

Yeah that's what the vet said that really this should have happened a couple of years ago. I feel better knowing that even if we could have afforded to take her to a specialist there is nothing they could have done and she would have only suffered longer. The vet said she wouldn't have made it through the night so rather than her be alone, she went in our arms.
I'm so sorry Bex but it was the best thing for Vivian. Hope your ok. Loads of hugs for you and :rip: Vivian you will be missed dearly by your friends and family.

Reading this today makes me even more tearful as I know how hard it is to have a pet that you have loved for so long put down as my dad took my Jack russell wilf to be put down two years ago on 27.12.04. It makes me feel sad that I was too selfish to get him put to sleep sooner when he had kidney failure. You did the right thing not letting her suffer.

You know where we all are if you need to talk.
Thanks Natsuko, I know we did the right thing but the guilt has set in now. I shouldn't feel guilty as I know there is nothing that could have been done for her. It has all been so sudden which is making it very hard to come to terms with it all.

Thanks everyone for all your support through this. I will post some piccies of her in the Rainbow Bridge section later.
so sorry to hear the news, at least you did the best you could of done for her
:rip: vivian
Sorry To Hear That. R.I.P Vivian. I Guess It Is The Exact Same Story That I Mentioned Before With My Dogs Heart. I Know How You Feel, And It Aint Very Good, But You Will Get Over It In A Few Weeks, Trust Me. Good Luck
:-( Bex

Your tribute to Vivian in the Rainbow bridge was beautiful. I am sure that you meant as much to her as she did to you. It is very obvious how much you love her and if we were able to feel what she meant to you through your posts, I'm certain she felt it through you personally.

Stay strong, she is in a better place and will always be with you, in your memories and your heart.
Sorry to hear the news Bex, but you did the right thing for poor little Vivian. :( I know how it feels to have a loved cat put down, and it really isn't easy. At first I didn't know what to think, but in the evening it had settled in and I was in floods of tears.

My thoughts are with you, keep strong.
Thanks Carmen, your last post means a lot me, made me cry again, but in a good way :)

Deano I guess it was the same as your poor dog. It's terrible to lose a pet so suddenly isn't it.

I'd just like to thank everyone again for your kind words of support. You have all helped me through a very difficult time and got me through (most of) the days I have had to be at work through all this. You are all a credit to this forum and to all the pets we love and have lost. Having people who understand your heartache when there are others who scorn you for it is a great thing. Thank you very much :)
Rest in Peace Vivian. If you can read this know you are loved by all and will be remembered. :good:

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