My Poor Cat Vivian

Sorry to hear she's so weak Bex. It's so hard waiting, I know how you feel. The time drags on. Sure she'll be glad to see you when you visit.

Keep the spirit up, I know it's not easy.

Hi Carmen

I was quite shocked to hear she was so weak they couldn't even X-ray her. I'm finding it very difficult to be positive about her at the moment but I know I need to. If she is still too weak tomorrow I think we will be asked to consider putting her to sleep. It may be the kindest thing to do, but then we won't know what was wrong without an autopsy and I don't want that either :-(

She will be pleased to see us tonight and hopefully that will perk her up a bit :/
Hi Carmen

I was quite shocked to hear she was so weak they couldn't even X-ray her. I'm finding it very difficult to be positive about her at the moment but I know I need to. If she is still too weak tomorrow I think we will be asked to consider putting her to sleep. It may be the kindest thing to do, but then we won't know what was wrong without an autopsy and I don't want that either :-(

She will be pleased to see us tonight and hopefully that will perk her up a bit :/

Best thing to do is when you see her, just give her attention, make a fuss, things like that, should perk her up nicely.
Yeah, I think she will be missing having her favourite 'tickle' spot tickled. So will be giving her plenty of love when we see her :wub:

I will update you all tomorrow. Hopefully she will perk up enough for the X-rays and then we can start shedding some light on the situation.

Thanks for all the well wishes guys.
Hi Moray

It's not good I'm afraid. We went to see her last night and she is very poorly. The fluid is actually on her lungs, not her stomach. The vet still said there is a very high risk that she won't make it through the X-ray today. If she does and they confirm the fluid is on her lungs we will have to have her put to sleep this afternoon :-( :-(

If that is the case, I will go to the vets to be with her while they do it. All of this has been so sudden which is what makes it so hard. Perfectly healthy one minute, she was fine all last week. She has gone down hill so quickly. I just feel so helpless.

Thanks for all you support through this everybody :-(
:-( Aaaw Bex

I am so sorry to hear that it has all gone down hill. I know just how you feel, having had to have a dog who was only 1 years old put to sleep. It was so hard and I couldn't even look at him when Alex took him in (I was also pretty pregnant at the time and Alex didn't want me getting too upset). But I did get very upset anyway and it took ages to get over.

I know it's not really any consolation, but at least she's been fit and healthy up till now. I'm sure she knows how much you love her and if they do have to put her to sleep, having you there will probably be very comforting.

Sorry, I know nothing I say can make you feel better.

:-( :shout:
:-( so sorry to hear it's not going so well. I still hope it all turns out OK :/

If you are going to be there when they put her to sleep, (as hard as it is) just try and remember that it's for the best and will end her suffering.

Working as a vet nurse this was part of an almost daily routine - though it was never "easy". And I realise it's not remotely the same as when it's your own animal you're holding there.

But if it came to it, it's for the best :/

All the best :thumbs:
Thanks Carmen

One of the worst things is that I have to be at work as I can't get any cover. So I'm at my desk and I'm a snivelling wreck :-(

Either way the outcome today won't be good. I only hope she comes through the X-ray so that I can be there with her when she goes. Thanks for all your support. It's good to have people who understand how much our pets mean. A lot of people think I'm just being stupid becuase it's "only a cat". I hate those morons. They've obviously never felt the unconditional love you get from a pet.

Like you say she has had a very healthy and happy life and been spoilt rotton by us, so that is the one thing to remember, and the one thing keeping me going right now.

Thanks Bloo, I would never want her to suffer which is why we have do what we have to do. As awful as it will be, it is for the best for her. To keep her going will only prolong her suffering and I can't do that to her. You have to forget about your own needs and so what is best for your pet. Thanks for the kind words.
One of the worst things is that I have to be at work as I can't get any cover. So I'm at my desk and I'm a snivelling wreck :-(

A lot of people think I'm just being stupid becuase it's "only a cat". I hate those morons. They've obviously never felt the unconditional love you get from a pet.
It's totally OK to feel like that but horrid I know :(
When my last cat died (the one in my avatar) and my mom called me to let me know, I was a crying wreck at work. My boss thought there was something massively wrong, so called me into his office :huh: I had to explain and felt like such a fool. And though he has no pets of his own even, he was completely understanding and comforting - while I was sobbing my heart out! Poor man probably didn't expect that, but hey, he asked for it !

Anyway - all the best again.....
My boss has been great and I can go when I need to today, which is good. We usually have to have cover for any time off.

The cat in your avatar is so beautiful I can imagine how devastated you must have been. I think I asked you about him/her before. It's so hard losing them isn't it. Thanks again for your support, I really appreciate it and it's helping me loads :)
Aw Bex, I hope Vivian pulls through. I have two dogs and I know how sad I would be if something was to happen to either of them. If it helps, earlier this year my Phoebe had a true brush with death - in the middle of the night, she was completely stiff, hyperventilating and we didn't even think she would make it to the vet. But she did, and after a few days on medication she was fine and is now going outside for a snack. :)

Stay positive - miracles happen! :)
I hope you are right SPLiSH, I really do. But I could tell from the vets face last night how bad our Viv is. This is going to be a very tough day. Thanks for your thoughts though :)
One of the worst things is that I have to be at work as I can't get any cover. So I'm at my desk and I'm a snivelling wreck :-(

aww that's so sad, my thoughts are with you today. If it's any consolation I'm sat at my desk like a snivelling wreck today as well for other reasons. So your not alone! :)
Thats so sad, I hope she gets well. You have my thoughts and well wishes.... Just reading this has made me want to :-(! I'm glad your boss is being understanding and letting you go to be with her if you need to be.....

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