My Pond Diary, With Pics :) !

Tokis-Phoenix, how are your pond and garden coming? Have you been able to work out there much yet? Looking forward to more pics! :drool:
Man, that is amazing!!!!

I want something like that in the future!!!!! :hyper: :hyper: :drool: :drool:
This has been the most delayed update ever! I haven't been on this forum much over the last year, but i have not forgotten about this thread.

Last year over the course of June and July i started adding goldfish to the pond. The first goldfish to go in the pond were not my tank ones though- the parents of a friend of a friend had a seriously overstocked goldfish pond and were trying to rehome their goldfish so i went down to their place and picked up 8 goldfish (4 white/cream color ones, one of which has red lips, 3 orange ones and 1 black one) and added those to the pond. About a month later i added 6 of my tank goldfish to the pond, leaving 3 of the them in the tank. Here are some of the pictures i took of me adding my tank goldfish to the pond at the time.

Goldfish floating in their bags in the pond (there was a lot of duckweed in the pond at the time- its all gone now);

The garden & pond;

The waterfall area (the waterfall was quite obscured by the tall pond plants);

Other end of the pond;

Goldfish in their bags about to be let out;

Being released into the pond;


Exploring the pond- "Ooo there's another fish here already!";

The rescued/adopted goldfish and the tank goldfish quickly made friends and started swimming up and down the pond together ^_^ ;

Oh yeah, i almost forgot- these are two pics of the garden i took the other day when it started snowing over here :) ;
In the morning, snow starts;

At night (it was weirdly bright at night due to all the snow reflecting light everywhere);
Pond and fish look beautiful tokis.
Love the bridge over the pond.
Well Done.
Pond and fish look beautiful tokis.
Love the bridge over the pond.
Well Done.

Thanks Wilder :) ! The bridge is one my fav parts of the pond too :) .
When the weather has warmed up a little i'm going to trim all the pond plants back, and then the weather is a little warmer after that i'm going to re-organize the plants around the pond and add some new ones ^_^ .

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