My Plecos Done A Runner :(

i plan to at mynext water change, unless theres a crack in the large piece of bogwood i havent checked then i doubt ill find him :(

plus there are two external filters
FOUND HIM! under the largest pience of bogwood, wedged in a small crack, as i turned it over (its about the size of a small tree trunk)

I saw his spots shifting, so ive relocated him to a smallerpiece of wood on the other side of the tank which hes under at the minute (i can keep an eye on him there!)

heres a pic for you all
FOUND HIM! under the largest pience of bogwood, wedged in a small crack, as i turned it over (its about the size of a small tree trunk)

I saw his spots shifting, so ive relocated him to a smallerpiece of wood on the other side of the tank which hes under at the minute (i can keep an eye on him there!)

heres a pic for you all

Very nice, my ol' golden nugget used to be a pro at hiding too.. they're like teenagers running away from home some plecs :lol:
YESSSS!!!! :good: Good man :) glad to know hes safe and sound :) he looks like a naughty little Pleco :p
YAY!! So glad you found him!!
I dont see where he has gone! Moved the large bogwood tonight and was unable to find him. Its a seond hand tank and the previous owner lost a golden nugget pleco last year and found no traces.

Stupidly ive introduced mine as it was my centerpiece but ive scoured the tank and am unable to locate him :( Hes a bigspot plec about 3-4 inches, sand substrate,plenty of bogwood, any ideas?

Glad you found him may i ask if your sure thats a big spot plec? i keep one and he's nothing like yours look at my avatar, thats not mine but thats a big spot pleco.
Waiting for my new camera to arrive from amazon then i can take some good pictures.
its a bigspot/snowflake pleco

hes exactly like this one
:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: You are one jammy sod :) Great to hear there spawning :) Love discus.
plecs are very good at hiding, glad you found him, i've got a breeding pair of bristlenose that i've been thinking of selling problem is i have a large piece of bogwood in the tank and there is a hollow section in it and it's just about the perfect size for the male to fit into and as soon as i try to get him he dives into the hole and won't come out, i've even tried lifting the wood out the water thinking he will drop out but no way he wont shift, looks like he will be staying then :D
check your filter ??? might sound nasty but you might find bits of him in it ..
if you are using a external filter he could still be alive in it
if you still ent found him check your filter
i have guppies that get sucked up in my external pump ..
they knock the plactic bit that covers the whole so it comes off then the pump sucks them up ...
lucky my pump sends water into the bottom of the filter first then it flows into the peplor section ...
so they was still alive

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