My Planted Tank

Yes. Im obsessed.

I picket up 8 Bleeding Heart tetras and my lemons are mixing up with them as if they cant tell the difference which they probably cant. I also picked up a couple new plants and rearranged a bit the last time i cleaned the tank. I also got some liquid fert for my plants we shall see if it makes any difference.

Best photo i could manage with the sun coming through the blinds.
Yes. Im obsessed.

I picket up 8 Bleeding Heart tetras and my lemons are mixing up with them as if they cant tell the difference which they probably cant. I also picked up a couple new plants and rearranged a bit the last time i cleaned the tank. I also got some liquid fert for my plants we shall see if it makes any difference.

Best photo i could manage with the sun coming through the blinds.

to carry on your obsession how about getting trio of bolivian rams or cockatoo cichlids.
I dont want to overstock, I have 19 fish in there at the moment. One being a 4 inch plec and my two feathertails who are growing fast. It looks different in there again, Ill stop boring people with pics tho. I ordered some new lighting and a new tank vaccuum so I cant run it straight to the sink insted of trying to lug a 5 gallon bucket of nasty water through my house to dump it out.

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