My Planted Tank

Pic from Last night

Good looking tank! I like the bog wood extending out the top. I've seen Java moss growing semi submerged on bog wood like that and it looked gorgeous, come on give it a go. There are quite a few plants that would look great coming out the water there. :D
Rainbows are very active fish and generally need large tanks. :no: A Harlequin shoal would look great in there and they're small.
I've found taking pics at night with only aquarium lights on and no flash to yield best pics. You'll probably need to cover the light escaping over the top of the tank though. ;)
I like the lily's and anubias.

Cool tank.
Good looking tank! I like the bog wood extending out the top. I've seen Java moss growing semi submerged on bog wood like that and it looked gorgeous, come on give it a go. There are quite a few plants that would look great coming out the water there. :D
Rainbows are very active fish and generally need large tanks. :no: A Harlequin shoal would look great in there and they're small.
I've found taking pics at night with only aquarium lights on and no flash to yield best pics. You'll probably need to cover the light escaping over the top of the tank though. ;)
I like the lily's and anubias.

Cool tank.

These rainbows are fully grown at 1", and look amazing - they were a mix of Reds Greens and Blacks and Yellows, But now they have turned a Yellow Dom and Red Subs with a Female Yellow

There are alot more plants hidden in the back - I have loads of very long Java Fern and Swords.

Ive tested the Swords in the Vase and they are fine out of water. Might try something later - Ding Danio Pix for Paul. And then Got to start my Casestudies for college.
Personel and Staff Management implementation. :no:
Started @ 0930 and finished @ 1230

Took out all the wood and plants then fish and left them in a bucket infront of fire.

Cleaned the tank and scrubbed all the Glass(glass was spotless - Good Pl*cs)

Vacced the sand and Left the Old Filter running colecting debris.

Added fresh Black Sand

Stated playing about with the wood and how i Wanted it to look.

Happyish with Wood and filter placement, Trying a HOB(150l/ph)(had to modify the pipes using silicone tubing so tha it reached the bottom of the tank)






What do you think about the Blue Rainbow Rock - Yes No ?
Also I now have 7 Large Amazon Swords to Swap/Sell.

Also I now have 7 Large Amazon Swords to Swap/Sell and some Apple snails.
The rock is a nice addition. I would leave it in - it sort of softens up the corner.
Water settling Down

Dom Rainbow



Added some more Plants

Creeping Jenny - Larger thicker variety, Should grow out of the tank and along sides, once trained and some kind of oxygenator that does well in/out of water. Like th way it looks better than wisteria.
You can see the Creeping Jenny already growing out of the water on the left.

Have not tried Java moss out of the water yet as its tied onto Bamboo.
Might get some more clumps, or if anyone has some I could use ;)

Nice :) is that a flower spike I can see left of centre?

Its the Creeping Jenny - Dont think it will flower yet, as Tag says April-August flowering.
Spent the Last Hour Rescaping the Tank.

Got bored and the Lillies had taken over, Found 7 Plants in Total.

Still not perfect, don't think i will ever be happy with the scape(if that plant was over there and that peice of wood was just more central. Blah lah Blah).
Drives the Wife mad at times " all you do is mess with the tank, its not like its as big as the old 1". :blush:
Smaller tanks are more frustrating to scape. :lol:





I wish I had the Time and Money to do scapes like TearScar, Rain and George and Planter. :good: :good:

AS Sig Some Fish Sold and New Fish on Order as well as some lovely Shrimp and Java Moss Poles. I used the poles for the arched peice of bogwood and it worked out really well.

PLus my tank is Low tech.
I really like it mate very nice. You seem to have some good growth going on hope my low tech tank will grown like that! :good:
Just a little Change.

Added Some Ivy Wreaths to camouflage the top of the tank and hide the ugly light fittings.

Still Not Sure

Pretty tank. Some of the fish choices are not what I would choose (have a problem with bettas and angels together), but you've caught me in a good mood so I won't bug you about it. Having kept fish for 18 years now, just had a Birthday, sometimes I can be picky. But not today. :lol:

Based on what I've seen from your tank, it seems to me that you are a good candidate to give a paludarium a try. You seem to like the idea of plants emerging from above the water. Might be something for you to explore in the future.

llj :)

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