My Planted Tank


Nov 10, 2004
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I added some grasses and Vallisneria to my background. Looks better than before, but I guess I still have a long way to go.

(You can see my reflection on the tank :lol: )

Comments, suggestions welcome :good:

Very nice. looks a little messy though. Maybe you could put a focal point bogwood. or clear some space so you can see the background.

Do you inject CO2 and fert? What size tank is it? What fish have you got?

A really cool tank! Im sure your fish like wondering through the plants.
Hi, thanks for the replies. I could put a nice piece of bogwood in the center, but for that I'd have to uproot the Echinodorus Ozelot(s) to make space. They have really really deep roots, and pulling them out is almost impossible. Besides, I have shells in my substrate, so I don't want to put more effort in this tank. Hopefully I'll upgrade to a larger tank in a year or so.

I used to inject CO2, the yeast method, but I have to make a new mixture now, and I'm just too lazy to do it. I use a PMDD mixture for fertilization. Its a 23 gallon tank.

Edit: Forgot to mention, my fishes are 4 serpae tetras and 3 widow tetras.
nice i wish i had that much money to get my tank to look so green
Looks so neat! What is the size, gallon wise? I have only one suggestion... more fishies! LOL Of course, if they're like mine they just hid when you took the picture.

The tank is 23 gallons. I did get 5 lemon tetras the day before, and also 4 shrimps :)
Very healthy looking plants mate. Looks a bit symmetrical is all I'd say. Needs some sort of focal point on the left or right to break things up IMO. Wood, Rock etc.

PS if you take photos at night without flash you dont get reflection on glass.

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