My Plant Lineup

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Fish Crazy
Jan 11, 2014
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So I have been going back and forth on plants for my 54 gallon corner tank because I can't keep anything but anubias alive in it. Now I have learned a little more about lighting, ferts, when to use liquid carbon vs when not to, etc. I'm going to take a stab at re-planting it. This will be low-tech - no CO2. But I'll be doing ferts and liquid carbon along with root tabs/clay balls for iron. I'm going to order a 30 inch Finnex Ray 2 for the midpoint of the tank and either another 10 inch LED strip or perhaps just a CFL clamp-on light in the back corner to get some extra light. This tank is a corner, so it's like a wedge shape, and it's 24 inches deep. The lighting should put me at the very low end of medium light at the substrate.
Plants I already have, currently residing in a 10G plants-only tank with eco-complete substrate:
-several anubias - just the ones from the Petco tubes but are all very healthy
-anacharis - a few stems
-moneywort - two large bunches
-wisteria - 4 short stems
-large marimo moss ball
-1 medium amazon sword
Plants I currently have in my shopping cart:
-more wistera
-green temple
-more anacharis, narrow-leaf
-another amazon sword
-melon sword
-anubias coffeefolia
-anubias nana
-aponogeton ulvaceus
-java fern windelov
Any thoughts? I'm ordering from bamaplants.
Not sure what bamaplants have in terms of plants.
Your list is quite good for a 54 gallon tank, You say you had issues keeping things alive. Daily dosing ferts and liquid CO2 should be fine, Don't dose weekly. If one of the bottles suggest dosing weekly, Divide the number by 7 and add a little extra so you can dose everyday!
As for lighting, This is where I believe you may come across a problem, LEDs are not the best in plant growth and normally are just for show. So, Trying to work out how much watts you have over your tank is impossible to tell, Without that number I can't really recommend if you any plants as most plants need light to grow, Apart from anubias that can survive in the dark.
May I recommend you get something like a T5 HO kit for your tank?
Good to hear my plant list should work! I've really agonized over this, getting the right balance of idiot-proof plants and ones that actually look good too.
I was going to get a T5 light, but I was convinced by this to go LED. According to what I've researched, the light I intend to get is going to put me around 30 PAR at the substrate. I'm actually thinking of perhaps getting a less powerful light since I've no plans to use CO2, but I haven't decided completely yet.

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