My Plakat Mohr's

The male is building gigantic bubble nests... have not seen any stripes on the female... will keep them conditioning a bit longer.
New member of the family:


Name is Kenny.
Do you put her in the tank in a, a ??? a container in his container like Synirr does? (I am totally w/o any knowledge or experience.)

Buckley is a magnificent creature. Great attitude!

On the other hand Kenny is lacking in fin balance and kingly command. Colors are nice though. He has a face that may mature to greatness depending on the marble development. I am a little sorry for him actually. Somehow he missed the mark the breeder was aiming for. He has a bit of the Frankenstien attached to his tail fins.
Longer fins and a longer torso would have been nice. He looked like a cute puppy (with the nobody wants me look) so I took him home.
Ok, you got me! Is Kenny a "I just gotta keep this one" from Thailand? or an open market find?

Say, "Gottcha!" :blink:
Your fish are gorgeous! Makes me really admire the beauty of plakat mohrs.

Even Kenny looks good, though not as great as the others. Did you name him after Kenny from South Park? I'm sure with your care, he'll become better looking.
I believe, Iljdma, that Kenny is a pic morph of one of the Thailand CT ral had brought over for his club mates.

It is a joke about the CT having too much tail to fit in ral's collection.

I think ral has decided to buy a few of the Thai CT for himself.

Or did you just "Get me!" too? :*)
When I picked up the longfin crowns, there were a few crowntail plakats in the area too. Leftovers as far as I could tell since they were only a handful left (together with a few nice but expensive copper colored crowntails).

The "beedy black eyes peering at you approach" is a real killer. This fish may be short on torso and fins, but he has those round puppy eyes :lol:

Yup, named after Southpark :D
Well scratch everything I said. He is indeed a "puppy dog in the window." I thought you had picture morphed him from the marble CT in the beginning of the thread in response to my jest about the CT having too much tail for your collection. I just spent 2 days talking to myself. :crazy:
hey how do you take really good pictures...? I take pictures with my digi camera and it always comes out blurry..what kina camera r u using..?
Am using a point and shoot Kodak LS633. In my case it seems to work best with flash auto. Sometimes, when it is flash of the shots get blurry because it is too dark I guess.

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