My Plakat Mohr's


Fish Herder
Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
The pride of the fleet

Zuma and Galema (From Kelsonbetta)

I don't normally buy the higher end fish, but when I saw the fiesty little green snake face plakat, I just had to have him. He is a bit pale in this picture, having come back from a touch velvet. But he is fully recovered now. I got the female paired together with him too. She is a pretty fish.


Zuma is the name of a local folk villian, a man with two snakes coming out from the back of his kneck. Galema was his daughter. She also two snakes emanating from her kneck, but these were hidden by her hair. Galema was a heroin.

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Fish from one of my own countrymen

Morg and Lou

While there are not many renowned Filipino Betta breeders. Morris Gabriel (with Stingray Betta's Singapore) is one.

Morg was sent to the Philippine by Morris to be entered in a local Betta competition. He developed a white growth on his anal fin. Figured he needed a good home so I picked him up. Lou, a female plakat, also comes from Morris.


Morg is named after Morris Gabriel.

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Not all my fish are green :D

Ralph and Kimber

Ralph has been with me for some time. His tank is right beside my workspace. I think he knows me best of all my fish. Got Kimber later this year to give him a partner. Although right now she is a bit to yiny for him. She is a frustrtingly active fish (sigh).


Kimber is pretty hard to take a shot off. She keeps on following the camera lense. Not even food will distract her... arrggghhh.

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LFS fish

Morris and Greta


Morris is a fiesty little tyke with good form. His fins are always spread out even when he is asleep.

Zuma was supposed to enter a fish show, but he got sick. Morris took his place. Five days in an airconditioned mall, without a heater. On day one he was clealry outclassed by his fancier neighbors. By day five they were all sitting on the bottom of their tanks, but Morris was still standing tall.
Greta is not my pretiest girl... but love her just as much as any other.

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$1(US) Fish

Stitch and Buckley

Stitch and Buckley are the closest thing I have to fighters.


Stitch is a moody tempermental bloke, and that is where he got his name. He was sick when I got him, but his fins finally are no longer clamped. Clamped fins and all, he would flare and intimidate any of my other betta's even when sick. Buckley is another fiesty fish. These two are flaring partners... and no one ever quits or backs off.

Got the pair on the same day.

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[b]The gentle monster[/b]

One of the local distirbutors sold Betta's for low prices during a fish exhibit held last week (the one Morris entered). Found this guy in a tiny cup for $3!!!


He is my most massive betta... but he is a fairly docile one.


Thanks for letting me share my fish. I am so proud of the bunch :D
Wow, they are all absolutely gorgeous! A real testament to the beauty of plakats! :nod:
I especially like the first pair and the last beautiful male
Oh, ral, great selection. I would be the proud owner of any one of them--even the fighters :angry: :p
Yeah, they're gorgeous. I've had a taste for Plakats lately (probably partially because of the 'perfect fish' thread, and my natural distaste for anything too frilly), and those guys are definately beautiful, rich little examples of their kind.
I really like that marble as well. I like how his entire head is white...very cool.
Thanks all.

My taste tend to go with the more conservative greens and blues... other collections of plakats would actually likely be more varied.

This one belongs to a friend of mine...

I love them all. I started out with no bettas now I have 19 bettas and counting I plan on visiting the lfs today. I probally will come home with more. I sure love the black bettas they are beautiful. Do you plan on spawning them?? If so I will gladly take a few of them from you I will pay for them...
I have been unsuccessfully trying to spawn them, will put Zuma and Galema in the breeding tank next week. For members of this forum, giving free fish is no problem... better than culling them. The problem really is distance.
He's a good looking 1 USD fish. How is the breeding going?--besides cropping CT marbles.
Zuma and Galema going into the tank this week. Fingers crossed.
Are they all heated up and frantic with love? Not that I know a thing about Betta love. Synirr said when the lady's full of eggs, got her head down, and got breeding stripes. :lol: I guess the boy has to dance and blow bubbles. :wub:

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