My Pets


Fish Crazy
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
Essex, England
I'm going to post pics in a sec lol but the pets that we have are...

9 month old fawn male Bullmastiff puppy (His KC show link is in my sig :p)

8yr old male sealpoint Persian

7yr old female blue cream Persian

4yr old male bi-colour Ragdoll

3yr old male chocolate point Persian

2yr old female silver point Persian

~Skitzo & Tango~
3yr old pair bearded dragons

~Peridot (Dotty)~
4yr old male leopard gecko

4yr old female african-fat tailed gecko

~Merry & Holly~
2yr old pair cockatiels

1 1/2yr old female Syrian hamster

3yr old male Syrian hamster

3 1/2yr old male Barn Owl

2yr old female Lionhead Lop rabbit

1yr old female Lionhead Lop rabbit

1yr old male Lionhead Lop rabbit

4yr old male Netherland Dwarf rabbit

4yr old female Netherland Dward rabbit

1yr old male Lionhead Lop rabbit

1yr old male Lionhead Lop rabbit

*70L tank, heavily planted, with 1 male crowntail betta, 3 platys, 1 ADF & 1 dojo loach
*7gal tank, with 1 HM male betta, Koby

|Bentley is the newest addition to the family, apart from some of the fish lol. My Nan and Dad have kept Bullmastiffs for years and years, they used to breed until a couple of years ago, and then last November my Nan's Lucy had 13 pups :wub: I was there for the birth, which was a very stressful night lol but a great experience.. Bentley was 3rd born pup and I had to bring him back to life as he was stillborn, so that was really rewarding! He is such a great dog, so protective and loyal and handsome lol, and he's even more special because we have literally known him since he was born!
My parents used to have 5 Persians when I was a baby, but because I was so young and they only lived in a flat, and were worried about one of them suffocating me or something lol, they had to rehome the cats to a close family friend, and now me, my brother and sister are older we got Chino in 2001, and then the other 4 over the next 2 years!!
The rabbits are all neutured/spayed and are socialised with eachother, apart from Daisy who is very unsociable lol and will attack any other rabbit that comes near her! They have a big shed down the end of our garden, that just has the seven hutches (all about 5ft) & during the day they have the run of the garden - it's lovely to see them all playing together! Daisy has her own big run lol so she does still get to come out obviously but she can't be allowed to run around with the others because she causes so much trouble :lol:
The cats and bunnies also love eachother, and we will quite often find some cats and bunnies all snuggled up together somewhere! :wub: At 1 point we did have 14 rabbits, imagine how long it took me and my sister to clean them all out haha! Feeding them and doing their water every morning took about half an hour!
Dotty and Topaz are my lizards, and Skitzo and Tango are my Mum's, they are all lovely and tame, especially Topaz who often falls asleep on my hand!
Merry & Holly, the cockatiels, live in a parrot cage in the study, so they have lots of room, and they have learnt to wolfwhistle, and Merry can say pretty boy lol! If there is any music playing anywhere they will screech along to it as well! :crazy:
Ollie the barn owl has a large aviary at the bottom of the garden, he is hand tame and eats [dead] chicks and mice, we have the special gloves and equipment and he will fly down and sit on your hand when we feed him, and when my Mum is in the garden watering the plants, he will come out of his box and fly around, he loves playing with the water!
Bo is my hamster, she is sooo lovely, whenever I'm in my room she wakes up and wants to come out of her cage and be fussed! Dash was my younger brothers, but because his room is on the 3rd floor of our house it isnt as warm as the rest of the house, I bought him a new cage and moved him into my room lol so now I have two hammys haha!!
Anyway I think that's it, apart from the fish, who all live in my bedroom :lol: I think it's great to walk into a room and have all the fish swim up to you and follow you as you walk past!!

*As I said, I will be putting pics up of all of our pets lol, but it might take a while :rolleyes:

Thanks for looking, and sorry for the massive essay - just wanted to share tehe!!
*Big edit... deleting all the pics from this bit and I am going to try and post them again in a reply... fingers crossed lol*
*UPDATE - pics lol!

Some pics of the kitties...








*Still got some of the other cats to put up, not all the kitties are shown here...


cant see them :( just red X in boxes
they sure sound like a handful - i thought i had enough with 2 dogs, a cat a budgie and fish - but so rewarding to look after

looking forward to more pics

Right, lets try this again... :grr: (If they don't work this time I give up haha)
*Lizards...Tango on the left, Skitzo on the right..

Peridot (Dotty)
*Cant find any pics of Topaz yet though, sorry!



*Saffy (left) Chino (right)

*Saffy again..


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