My Perruno Catfish !


Fish Crazy
Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
nottingham, uk
Here are 2 photos taken today ov our perruno catfish. We havent got him home yet these are taken ov him still at the Lfs till we get tank home and set up. Unfortunately he was in a tank with tank mates until a few days ago when he was moved to a tank on his own because one ov the tank mates took to chompin his dorsal fin as u can see on photos......his tank mates were 2 1/2 ft silver aro, RTC, giraffe catfish and 2 giant gourami's bout a ft long. Poor thing ! the most likely suspect is the giant gourami's will post more photo's when we get him home . Hope you like ! pics were taken off a mobile phone so sorry about the quality :hey: Also notice the barbs...his arent as long as those ov a longibarbis which is what a proper perunno is nomally mistaken for.He has 8 rays on his dorsal or did till he was chomped on, and the mouth is shaped different.

Hi buniweb...yea its from Wharf Aquatics.......they have a stunnin tiger shovelnose in there at the min which was also very vey tempting. If you do ever get to go there its worth giving them a ring to find out when they get their deliveries in ov the tank busters. I wouldnt go to any other aquatics EVER! The staff there are all passionate about fish all have a min ov 9 tanks at their homes lol one fella that works there has 32 tanks wow imagine that. :) Let me know if u do get up there and what u think byeeeeeee
Is that from wharf aquatics? I gotta get myself up there some time!

Hi Barracuda..its going in a 6ft x 2ft x 2ft with my Arowana...then if the seem to be out growin that looks like another upgrade lol the more tanks the better i guess *g* any fish we keep we always make sure they have the proper tank requirements :)
:kewlpics: How big of a tank is it going in?
Your going to be needing a swimming pool sized tank soon then Woodie with 4 fish that will grow to a minimum of 3 feet long each within a few years so i hope youve already arranged the second mortgage to buy the tank :hyper:

Mary, the reason the catfish has shorter barbels is because they are half missing, that fish has been under some extreem stress for barbel degeneration of that scale to happen. Also i count 9 rays not 8, i dont want to pee on your parade but it extreemly unlikely that your fish is a true perruno as they are never imported, planet catfish doesnt even have a picture in the data base which says something about their rarity.

Ive marked the ray count here, theyre out of sequence because im useless with paintshop but you can clearly see 9 rays.

Hi buniweb...yea its from Wharf Aquatics.......they have a stunnin tiger shovelnose in there at the min which was also very vey tempting. If you do ever get to go there its worth giving them a ring to find out when they get their deliveries in ov the tank busters. I wouldnt go to any other aquatics EVER! The staff there are all passionate about fish all have a min ov 9 tanks at their homes lol one fella that works there has 32 tanks wow imagine that. :) Let me know if u do get up there and what u think byeeeeeee

Will do, when i actually get round to it is another

There is a guy where I work that has 96 tanks.... He's a killifish nut and has tanks EVERYWHERE, even on his cooker, so he doesnt bother using it at the moment lol.

Hi aint peeing on my parade lol.....when i get this catfish home we will take some clear pics etc ov it so you can have a better look. Apart from a fight in the previous tank it was in this fish only has damage to its dorsal threw that. Wharf has said it is a very rare fish and could have sold it 100 times if not more since we paid for it. We also talk to a lady on planet catfish who did buy a catfish thinkin it was a true perruno and it turned out to be a longibarbis and she has emailed us as she went into wharf to buy this perruno and i have pm'ed her and she has also said it is a true perruno...anyway I am made up with this fish no matter what it is and i am prepared for a growth size ov either species. Clearer pics when we get them will shine more light either way theres no way I will be dissapointed and will look after him very well be it a perruno or longibarbis all I can type is what I have been told and I am pulled from one thing to another hahaha anyway cfc do u like him? he is 14" at the min and i am thinking a large piece ov bogwood only in the tank.
Your going to be needing a swimming pool sized tank soon then Woodie with 4 fish that will grow to a minimum of 3 feet long each within a few years so i hope youve already arranged the second mortgage to buy the tank :hyper:

Mary, the reason the catfish has shorter barbels is because they are half missing, that fish has been under some extreem stress for barbel degeneration of that scale to happen. Also i count 9 rays not 8, i dont want to pee on your parade but it extreemly unlikely that your fish is a true perruno as they are never imported, planet catfish doesnt even have a picture in the data base which says something about their rarity.

Ive marked the ray count here, theyre out of sequence because im useless with paintshop but you can clearly see 9 rays.

:lol: Of course i like him, i love all catfish of the Pimelodidae family.
so its not a leiarius longibaris either? they have 11 rays dont they?....wish i could get to the aquatics and see this fish arghhhhhh
Maryjason stop the panic. I have kept catfish of all sizes and travel to wharf aquatics quite often. The owner Richard is an expert in there and I know he especially likes and has great knowledge of all catfish and oddballs. I don't know if you know but they even write in a well known fish magazine. Well it's not clear enough to be able to count rays on the catfishes dorsal on the photographs you have posted. Anyway due to the injury on it's dorsal fin it had split the top part away from the rest of it's dorsal fin but there are 8 rays on it's dorsal and I have stood in front of the tank it is kept in and counted them . Find a closer picture of the longibarbis and compare head, barb and dorsal and you will see the difference. Try and get clearer photographs posted and then it will be easier for people to see. Good luck getting your catfish home I will keep a look out for pictures with it settled in its new tank with tank mate cheers mate tazy
so its not a leiarius longibaris either? they have 11 rays dont they?....wish i could get to the aquatics and see this fish arghhhhhh

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