My Parrot Fish Is Like Pete Burns


New Member
Jan 31, 2006
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I have come to the conclution that my orange color parrot fish,is like Pete Burns who was on big brother recently.
His attitude towards other fish is terrible,he lurks in his ship wreak and then any poor fish that happens to past he lunges forward to attack them.
Id say he goes looking for trouble.
Hey he even looks like pete burns,my parrot fish being a hybrid is man made too. lol :p
ahh but does he sing like pete burns???
i do like that old' you spin me round' song that pete had a hit with a few years ago!!!
maybe you should play it to your fishie & see what he does
ahh but does he sing like pete burns???
i do like that old' you spin me round' song that pete had a hit with a few years ago!!!
maybe you should play it to your fishie & see what he does
hmm,perhapes it may lighten his bad temper a bit,he may even have a dance.....
I have come to the conclution that my orange color parrot fish,is like Pete Burns who was on big brother recently.
His attitude towards other fish is terrible,he lurks in his ship wreak and then any poor fish that happens to past he lunges forward to attack them.
Id say he goes looking for trouble.
Hey he even looks like pete burns,my parrot fish being a hybrid is man made too. lol :p

:lol: i agree they do have a look of him LOL
I have come to the conclution that my orange color parrot fish,is like Pete Burns who was on big brother recently.
His attitude towards other fish is terrible,he lurks in his ship wreak and then any poor fish that happens to past he lunges forward to attack them.
Id say he goes looking for trouble.
Hey he even looks like pete burns,my parrot fish being a hybrid is man made too. lol :p

:lol: i agree they do have a look of him LOL
thanks,glad you agree.
i thought i was imagining it.
i will try and get a picture of the pete burns type fish and post it on here. lol
Don't Worry DurbKat. Go Back To Bed Lol, He's A Famous Singer From The 80's. You Could Try A Search On Google :)
Durbkat he dresses as a woman and i don't care for him much.
My mom said that the song the he/she sings "you spin me round (like a record)" is her favorite song. I never knew a gay person would go as far as to get a wig and stuff like that. :sick:

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