My other half hates my fish wot should i do?

Wot should i do to my other half?

  • Make her understand that it's my hobby

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  • Tell her to stop telling me to kill the fish

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  • dump her :(

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  • tell her to get a pet of her own

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if she's really suggesting you kill them then either she's sick or she's "joking" but just has a really poor sense of humour. If this was me I'd have dumped her long ago but I don't think that's the best way really....If she's worth staying with for other reasons, you need to either try really really hard to make her understand the joy of fishes, or get a hypnotist in to alter her ideas.. *cackle*

It makes me really cross when people try to stop their other halves from doing something they enjoy. (Unless it's like, arson or self-harm or something :p )
Try to make her understand that you like them and are going to keep them. If she can't stop telling you to kill themp, dump her ;) There are plenty of fish-loving girls out there!
Get a tank of full-grown piranhas and wolf fish and then tell her that if she wants to kill them then she should use her bare hands. :shifty:
I think she feels like she's having to compete with the fish for your attention. A little sad to get jealous over fish. :p

Why don't you try and involve her in your hobby if you're wanting to make a go of it. Maybe let her name a fish or something.
I had this problem a bit of a while ago! the secret it, you've gotta ween her onto fish! now the best way is, to persude her to come to the lfs, and let her choose one or 2 just make sure she doesnt pick out that huge hap in the display tank ;) and then she can see it as "the one she chose!" next step is to get her to feed them, and let it go on from there, worked with me! she even talks to my cichlids!
nudge her towards getting her own pet ... well-unless she brings home a pet elephant or something!!!!- unless she doesnt like animals then shes a lost cause.

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