My Old Kitty, Panther


New Member
Jul 31, 2004
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Well, Im still fairly new to these forums and must say I am loving the way they are set up. I decided to post a picture of me and my old kitty that was taken about 6 years ago. She was a Russian Blue and her name was Panther. I had to have her put to sleep back in 2000 because she had feline leukimia and after having a baby I could no longer afford the treatment for her. It wasn't working too well anyway and she was in a lot of pain and weighed about 2 and a half pounds when I laid her to rest. :( She was my baby I had her for about 12 years, had grown up with her actually.

reminds me of my cat only your has shorter hair :thumbs:


  • Oskar_squint2.JPG
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Your cat is beautiful!! I love cats, but havent been able to bring myself to get a new one since Panther died. For now I guess I'll stick with my fish.
thanks :D
although its a wierd lookin picture of him :lol:
your cat is beautiful too
i'd encourage you to get another but it has to be your decision
when it feals right for you
but when you do, you won't regret it
you can't replace panther, but you can share your love with another
and fill his/her life with kindness and happiness

listen to me :lol:
i'm such a big softy when it comes to animals
i have a billion at my place :shifty:
She is beautiful!! Looks exactly like my cat Nicole :eek:

I'm sorry for your loss :( I think it takes everone different amounts of time to grieve and one day you'll be ready to have another kitty again ;)
Well, about 2 years ago I rescued an abandoned kitten I found outside and he was only about 3 weeks old. We took him to the vet who supplied us with what we needed to try to help him make it. He lived for 4 weeks... I had just got done feeding him with the syringe (couldnt get him to eat kitten food) and I put him back into his box so he could sleep and 5 minutes later my little brother went to check on him and he was dead. So after that I decided to stay away from cats for the time being.

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