My Ocean Reef


A quick update my lfs has gone and done it. I am to pick up a very nice Potter's Angelfish. Pics will be up at the weekend.
Nice tank mate! I like the vid also!...........I'm dead jealous of your tangs! Especially the blue regal. They're my favs but my tank is too small to house one.
Right update time. After waiting weeks for my lfs to get hold of a Potter's Angelfish for me, I took him home (was a male). He was acclimatised for 2hrs. All was well doing what you would expect. In and out of the rocks, even been cleaned by the wrasse. Saturday morning saw him in the rocks but would'nt come out all day. In the evening he them came out swam into the corner then to the surface then back into the corner followed by rapid breathing. Tested water right away stats all fine, Changed 5g to be safe but the little fella didnt make it and died within half an hour.

I will still upload pics of him!!!
Right update time. After waiting weeks for my lfs to get hold of a Potter's Angelfish for me, I took him home (was a male). He was acclimatised for 2hrs. All was well doing what you would expect. In and out of the rocks, even been cleaned by the wrasse. Saturday morning saw him in the rocks but would'nt come out all day. In the evening he them came out swam into the corner then to the surface then back into the corner followed by rapid breathing. Tested water right away stats all fine, Changed 5g to be safe but the little fella didnt make it and died within half an hour.

I will still upload pics of him!!!

Sorry to hear mate :( lost one of my clowns the other day for unknown reasons :( not a nice side to the hobby :sad:
Luckly the guy gave me a store credit due to it been so quick. He is going to try and source another but same again cant put a date on it, could be a week could be six months.
Luckly the guy gave me a store credit due to it been so quick. He is going to try and source another but same again cant put a date on it, could be a week could be six months.

At least you didnt lose your money then .. one of the reasons i use the abyss in stockport is down to there 10 day guarentee! top notch shop and service.

Hopefully wont be to long before you get another mate :good:
Ok i was ment to post pictures of the Potter's Angelfish a while back but due to my pc breaking i havent been able to untill now (been using my phone to surf).


Hmmmm think i may have changed my mind on the Melanurus Wrasse and ask them toget me a Ornatissimus instead. You watch i'll ask them n he tell me he's sourced my a Melanurus!
Ok new addition time!!! Picked up a very attractive Australian Cooperband. The little guy was feeding in the shop so i took him. Acclimatised for arround about 2hrs. This his him been in the tank about 3hrs. He dont get on with the Yellow Tang at the moment but will keep an eye on them both.

Ok new addition time!!! Picked up a very attractive Australian Cooperband. The little guy was feeding in the shop so i took him. Acclimatised for arround about 2hrs. This his him been in the tank about 3hrs. He dont get on with the Yellow Tang at the moment but will keep an eye on them both.


Jealous :-( :-( :-( :-( They have a couple in the abyss feeding well so might be tempted in a few months if they are still in.
Chris if you can find one from Australia then all the better, they are more hardy than the others.
Chris if you can find one from Australia then all the better, they are more hardy than the others.

Thanks for that mate :) will look into it. Might have to wait for my upgrade towards the end of the year to get one. Got a baby regal now along with my baby scopas so dont want anymore big fish in this current tank even though they are tiny at the moment :lol: also got a baby harlequin sweetlips off a friend who's tank sprung a leak and needed an emergency home. Looking to move the sweetlips on though because they get huge!! stunning fish though.
Chris if you can find one from Australia then all the better, they are more hardy than the others.

Thanks for that mate :) will look into it. Might have to wait for my upgrade towards the end of the year to get one. Got a baby regal now along with my baby scopas so dont want anymore big fish in this current tank even though they are tiny at the moment :lol: also got a baby harlequin sweetlips off a friend who's tank sprung a leak and needed an emergency home. Looking to move the sweetlips on though because they get huge!! stunning fish though.

Nice! Is the Harlequin taking flake? As they are difficult to get eating. It may eat your inverts. Yeh they grow quite big about 2ft in captivity.
Chris if you can find one from Australia then all the better, they are more hardy than the others.

Thanks for that mate :) will look into it. Might have to wait for my upgrade towards the end of the year to get one. Got a baby regal now along with my baby scopas so dont want anymore big fish in this current tank even though they are tiny at the moment :lol: also got a baby harlequin sweetlips off a friend who's tank sprung a leak and needed an emergency home. Looking to move the sweetlips on though because they get huge!! stunning fish though.

Nice! Is the Harlequin taking flake? As they are difficult to get eating. It may eat your inverts. Yeh they grow quite big about 2ft in captivity.

Getting closer with the flake :lol: he is eating it now but spits most out. He is happy eating anything like mysis and brine so im not to worried about him not taking the flake 100% yet. Like i say i will be looking to move him on ASAP as i never intended on him being in my tank for long, was just saving a mates fish but he has decided he is packing in now so has said i can have him/sell him. I know they can eat shrimp etc.. but no chance ATM because he is only small. Will sort pics on my journal asap.

Where abouts are you located mate? you have any interest in the sweetlips?

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