My Newest Pair Of Cories


Fish Aficionado
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
Southern U.S.
These aren't the best pictures, they're still in the bag but I'll have some better ones later when they've acclimated. They were sold as Green Cories and look like aeneus, with a female and male pair. I'm hoping this larger one is a female as my last albino female died a few months ago and all I have are a pair (now trio) of males (two albino). The second photo shows their sizes the best with the larger one to the right and the last one is the best birds-eye shot I could manage of the pair.

edit: Actually, I think they might be Emerald Brochis instead. I'm not great at identifying some of these fish. :eek:




Yep, they look like Brochis species to me too. I also have 2 of Brochis splendens in my 55 gallon. They were labeled as "large green cories" when I got them. They still seem to school with my smaller green Bronze C. Aeneus. If you look at the Brochis splendens up close you can see a difference in the 2 species. Very nice fish :thumbs:
I need glasses. :p My eyes aren't terrible but it's sometimes hard to see differences between some of the corydoras and related species.,
Whichever they are, their introduction induced spawning and there are eggs in my tank now.

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