My newbie tank

yep, normal as can be. :nod:

sometimes the LFS or LPS advertise them as food for plecos or cat fish but its basically for all fish, but it is what plecos can eat :nod:
dany83 said:
The funniest thing just happened. I bought algae wafers for my plecos. As soon as i drop them in the water, my other fish attack them. Some of the neons catch them and hang on to them, but this time they fell straight down and the two plecos got the 2 pieces in their mouths. But the other fish started attackin the food and soon it became a war. One of the plecos gave up, and the other one was fighting with 3 mollies, 2 platys and an angelfish for the wafer. it was the funniest thing. i want to do it again sometime and get a video or maybe pics of it. is this normal btw?
yeah its perfectly normal for fish to get a little aggressive and excited over food. mine do it all the time. nothing to worry about.

EDIT: your pleco is most likely a bristlenose pleco but its really hard to tell from that picture. i suggest you take a better one lol :)

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