My newbie tank

I don't think it's that bad, maybe one of the plecos could go, 2 might overload the tank when they get bigger, or maybe get rid of the plecos altogether and get other cleaner-upper fish. But If you're regular with your water changes, then there really shouldn't be a problem. If it is bad, just up your water changes to, lets say 2 times a month instead of 1.
just my two cents, hope I don't upset anybody.
I'm just going off the inch of fish=1 gallon of water rule, (and plecos are dirty and probably should have more then that I know) and here's what you get:

4 molly= 2 inches full grown*4= 8inches
2 platys=2.5 inches full grown*2= 4 inches
2 plecos (assuming common unless told otherwise)= 6(if not common)-18" full grown*2= 12- 36"
3 angels=6 inches full grown*3= 18inches
7 neons= 1.5inches full grown*7= 10.5inches
2 red eyed tetras= 2inches full grown*2= 4inches
1 glass fish= 2.5inches full grown*1= 2.5inches
2 silver dollars= 8inches full grown*2= 16inches

total inches of fish= 75-99 inches

I don't care how many water changes you do that's going to be VERY VERY crowded when those fish get full grown, even to swim around for those angels and silver dollars and plecos, that set up would be pushing it for a 55 gallon if you ask me, I just think you should re think this set up a bit more and make plans for a bigger tank because your fish are going to need it. Oh yeah and Neons are the natural source of food for angels, so once those angels get big enough, if your neons start disappearing atleast you'll know now where they went.

Now don't get me wrong I think your tank looks great right now, very well set up, just a big crowded and overstocked.
I don't think that the fish would have trouble swimming, there really aren't THAT many fish in there!!! It's not like there's 200 fish in a 30 gallon tank!! I do agree that the plecos could go. I don't like plecos that much because they're very messy and after a certain point, they don't really clean up the algae very well. I think that a few otos would do the job quite well.
I never really follow the inch per gallon rule, it really depends on the fish!!! So you could be understating the stocking or making it bigger than it has to be. So my solution is more fish=more water changes. Because the water gets dirtier faster.
The only thing I would really worry about if you kept up those changes was aggression. Angels can get pretty aggressive, especially if you add new fish. But if the neons are big enough, then the angel's shouldn't be able to eat them. Judging from the picture, They don't look that big.
Also, how much experience have YOU had with fish, MXPX4318??

Note: I don't want to start a fight, I'm just voicing my opinion. To each their own. :flowers: :nod:
I'm not the only one that would say this tank is overstocked, according to this forum 3 angels in a 33 gallon would be maxing the tank out, and 4 would be pushing it, and that's just angels.
Have you ever owned angels or silver dollars? or have you seen them full grown in a tank even? I know someone with angels in a 55 gallon and they're not small, If his 33 is anywhere close to my 29g size wise, then yes it IS going to be a tight squeeze for 2 silver dollars, 3 angels, and 2 plecos, not including the other fish. and if the angels decide they want to mate, then you wanna talk about aggression, o yeah and plecos are semi aggressive fish, when they get in a tight space they'll get aggressive too I've definelty seen them aggressive towards others in small tanks at work.

As far as experience goes, I have 3 tanks set up right now, 29 gallon with 5 white skirts, 1 male sword, 2 female swords, 2 otos, 1 skunk cory, 2 panda corys (future plans include 2 more skunks and 1 more panda, as well as another white skirt or two) a 20 gallon with 5 gold barbs, 3 cories (future plans include 6 rasporas and 1 dwarf gourami) and a 10 gallon, with 3 platys (going to see how breeding them goes) I have had the 29gallon up for about 2 months, the 20 has been up for a little over a month (dorm room tank) and the 10 gallons been up for about the same time (also in my dorm), but I've been around aquariums and been doing research for over a year, I have also worked at petsmart for over a year and a half, and though you may go "o chain store employee" that's so stereotypical, many of us at petsmart (atleast mine) know what we're talking about through our own experiences and research and the oh 20 or training books we have to do (just on fish/small animals/birds, so not including cat/dog info) so I believe we are very well informed, I've read numerous books on fish, own numerous books on fish, have researched on the internet, I see myself as very well informed, I didn't say that the 1" rule was followed for everything I just believe it's a good starting point. and there's no way that 99" of fish belond in a 33 gallon, no matter how little or much waste they produce or how fast you remove it.

Just my opinion take it for how it's worth, listen to me, don't listen to me, but when the tanks a year old and fish start getting big and then all the sudden fish start dying, don't question why? just my 2 cents...
MXPX4318 said:
I'm not the only one that would say this tank is overstocked, according to this forum 3 angels in a 33 gallon would be maxing the tank out, and 4 would be pushing it, and that's just angels.
That question was concerning the number of angels in a tank, not the total number of fish. The general guideline is 10 gallons per angel, so in a 33 you'd be pushing it with 4, but that's based on territories and avoiding aggression - there's still plenty of room for other fish, as long as they aren't going to compete for territories (like a silver dollar might).

I would return the silver dollars since they need a lot of swimming room and get pretty big. Also if the plecos are common plecs then yeah, they'll get too big too.

Other than that, the stocking level is manageable, IMO.

Growing marijuana is illegal here in the US, so *I* sure wouldn't advertise if I were growing it, but I see the OP is in Canada, and I don't know the legality of it there so I won't mention that :p
thank you parker for explaining that forum, I'll be sure to check up on my sources and what they really mean before using them again. and I agree with you, removing the silver dollars and plecos would help considerably.
MXPX4318 said:
thank you parker for explaining that forum, I'll be sure to check up on my sources and what they really mean before using them again. and I agree with you, removing the silver dollars and plecos would help considerably.
No problem! The way the question was worded, I can easily see where one could come up with that interpretation :)
Ahhhh, sorry MXPX. I'm know for arguing too much, especially on things not too important. :*)
Parker313 sort of summed it up...
I would return the silver dollars since they need a lot of swimming room and get pretty big. Also if the plecos are common plecs then yeah, they'll get too big too.
Other than that, the stocking level is manageable, IMO.
I've had alot of experience with fish, I think it's about 3 or 4 years now... I can't keep track. But in all my fishkeeping, I've never kept silver dollars or angels (although I'm planning on some angels in the future.)
I guess I'm just a work in progress!! :lol:
~Robin :)
Well, u are all right about overstocking. But the thing is got a good deal on the silver dollars, plecos. All 4 of them cost like 10 dollars altogether. I have no experience prior to this about keeping fish, and i didnt know angel fish grow that big. I know im gettin rid of the neons one day, and maybe when the plecos or angelfish grow too big i will give some of them away. But i always knew about the 1 inch rule, and right now im no where near 33 inches, so in the future I will manage to keep the aquarium stocked properly. Im not sure the fish i have are silver dollars, but the pic is below. Parker313, the marijuana leaves are fake, i got them from the previous owner of the tank, who never used it.

Anyways, so far the mollies have been the most interesting fish i had, along with the angels. Im probably gonna keep the plecos until they get too big, and same with the silver dollars. Speakin of silver dollars, can anyone tell me if that is their name from the following pic (sorry abt the quality):


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hahaha wow thanks for showing that pic, you do not have silver dollars, you have what look to be black skirt/ black widow tetras, they only get about 2.5" and will be just fine for your tank, well that gets you back down considerably on the "inch per gallon" list. Why don't you post a pic of your plecos, maybe you'll get lucky again and they won't be common... if they're a smaller species you might be good...

This is a black skirt:

This is a silver dollar: (though I've seen silver dollars bigger then 6")
1 inch of fish per gallon is not how you should look at keeping fish. It's a phrase that keeps beginner fish keepers away from quickly overstocking a tank IMO. I have a 48" tank, that doesnt mean I can keep a 24" or even 48" fish does it? Use your common sense and some research to draw the line and make the decision yourself, don't let other people tell you what they think you should put in your tank.
thx a lot for clearing that out i thought they were silver dollars i have no clue wat some of my fish are called. i will post pics of them later on. here is the pleco (i know this time im right with the name, just wat type):


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hmmm I'm not to good at identifiying plecos and with that pic it's even harder, I'm sorry I think you're going to have to get someone with a bit more knowledge on their different shapes and features to tell you what kind he is (and a better picture would help, one not so fuzzy but I understand that situation, seeing as I don't even have a webcam to take pictures of my fish with...yet)
The funniest thing just happened. I bought algae wafers for my plecos. As soon as i drop them in the water, my other fish attack them. Some of the neons catch them and hang on to them, but this time they fell straight down and the two plecos got the 2 pieces in their mouths. But the other fish started attackin the food and soon it became a war. One of the plecos gave up, and the other one was fighting with 3 mollies, 2 platys and an angelfish for the wafer. it was the funniest thing. i want to do it again sometime and get a video or maybe pics of it. is this normal btw?

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