In general it looks good. I agree with the others about clearing up some of the information. It is a little hard to read the blue text on the aqua background though. Very stressful on the eyes
Also you might want to get a URL Redirection service. has always worked for me. Word of mouth advertisement would be hard with a geocities site.
Well, staight away I notice you are still recommending tetra for cycling which is a very bad idea. Still have mis-information about bottom feeders. Algae magnets can be used on curved tanks. No mention of incandesant lighting. You have said about filter foam needing replaced ever 2-4 months, I wouldn't do it until it weas literally falling apart. You have not mentioned, at the point at least, about the fact that removing media is effectively removing the good bacteria and that there needs to be a crossover period. You also have the same wong information about cycling and the use of flakes.
well after i cycled my tank i had 6 neons in there. all of them were fine but i did introduce fish slowle. and INCANDESCENT LAMP is a standard light bulb