My New Tank - Be Gentle With Me I'm A Virgin Poster!

Not at all - thanks for all the advice guys - Im going to tank it all on board and let the tank mature for a couple of months to see how it develops. Just bought some fish that will take me to a reasonable stocking level for the next few months - hope I'm not overdoing it!!
Currently I have the following:- 15 Zebra Danios, 6 Red eye tetras, 10 Silver tip tetras, 10 Bronze cory's and 4 algae shrimps. Hopefully thats not to much for a 90 UK gallon tank but I'll watch the stats and keep up with the maintainance and see how it goes. The plants are going really well - its amazing how quick they grow - looking at the first pics in this thread till now! Just got a really nice piece of bogwood from the LFS - its a great tripod shape and realy helps - what do you think?

I think the next step will be CO2 in a few months but for now I'm just going to sit back and enjoy it !!

Thats an impressive setup! Loving the riccia mat - first time ive seen any of this, i may have to source some for my new aquarium.
Top work :good:

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