ok here we go im going to tell you what i know about discus then, Do not over feed discus because With their laterally compressed bodies and the swim bladder located on top of the stomach, discus do not tolerate overeating a slight case of constipation can have serious consequences in discus fish feeding dry foods that hydrate in the stomach cause serious problems, i prefer to feed discus on hikari brand frozen foods.
Water changes on the discus setups are an important aspect of proper discus fish care water changes must be done on a regular basis to ensure a healthy discus setup discus thrive in clean water conditions. But you can't just put tap water into a bucket and up your water safe in thats a big NO NO frist you have to get your tap water and run in through a osmosis filter then put your water save in for 24 hours, but befor you put your frash water in after the 24 hours you got to make sure the ph is around 7.0 or 8.0 then you must check the fresh water is at the right temp befor adding your fresh water to you setup. but if you new at keeping them its best to keep them in a bare bottom tank witch makes live much easyer then if you have them in planted tanks, and they must be kept with no less then 5 other discus.
anyways i could go on all night about them lol and check out the new tank you moaning fools iv got one its 5ft and holds 400 litteer