ok here we go im going to tell you what i know about discus then, Do not over feed discus because With their laterally compressed bodies and the swim bladder located on top of the stomach, discus do not tolerate overeating a slight case of constipation can have serious consequences in discus fish feeding dry foods that hydrate in the stomach cause serious problems, i prefer to feed discus on hikari brand frozen foods.
Most discus keepers/breeders feed 2-3 times a day and for young alot more often, beef heart is usually a staple diet and even though the constipation is probably correct, it's valid for most fish not just solely to discus.
Water changes on the discus setups are an important aspect of proper discus fish care water changes must be done on a regular basis to ensure a healthy discus setup discus thrive in clean water conditions. But you 1.can't just put tap water into a bucket and up your water safe in thats a big NO NO frist you have to 2.get your tap water and run in through a osmosis filter then 3.put your water save in for 24 hours, but befor you put your frash water in after the 24 hours you got to 4.make sure the ph is around 7.0 or 8.0 then you must check the 5.fresh water is at the right temp befor adding your fresh water to you setup. but if you new at keeping them its best to keep them in a bare bottom tank witch makes live much easyer then if you have them in planted tanks, and they must be kept with no less then 5 other discus.
Why does all your info sound regurgitated?.... there are so many things which are wrong with the above comment..ive highlighted a couple lol
1. You can just put treated tap water in with discus if your parameters allow it.
2. You dont need an osmosis unit at all, A HMA unit to remove heavy metals etc is quite sufficient. You only really need RO water if you in hard water area's.
3. Why would you need to keep water stored for a further 24hrs if your running through either a HMA or RO unit?. That one completely baffled me lol
4. 7.0-8.0 are you for real?, and there was me thinking discus like a nice low PH lol... however lets for argument's sake you were correct on the PH of 8
.... why would you run your water through an RO unit first?, this will make the water even softer (lower ph)...again you baffle me.
5. As long the water is at a reasonable temp it doesn't have to be exactly the same as the tank, just as long as your not dropping temps drastically they will be fine.... infact it would probably mimic wild conditions (rain season) if the water was changed slightly through water change.
My nephew is a discus breeder so you pick up a few things lol.
Oh BTW.... is this a comment you made about 2 weeks ago on beechey's thread?.
Posted 26 November 2011 - 02:33 PM
you tank looks really cool good job and im loving your discus, i was going to get my self some discus in till i was put off by someone because they said discus was really hard to keep is this true ?
All i can really say is PMSL ... i thought you kept discus?
And this first post in which you self proclaim to be a total noob with tanks, plants etc....
Posted 10 November 2011 - 07:03 PM
I've just signed up to this forum, Ive had my 160lt tank set up just over a month now,
I have 2 oscars, one red one tiger, one firemouth cichlid, two silver sharks and two pictus catfish.
I'm a total noob when it comes to my tanks plants etc...
Hope you guys can hlp me out soon, thanks.
anyways i could go on all night about them lol and check out the new tank you moaning fools iv got one its 5ft and holds 400 litteer
Is it really your tank?.... are sure you havent just plucked a pic from google just to try get some heat off you? lol
The comment about going on all night...> you could yes, the info may not be correct though
BTW i'm not a fool... or is it somebody that obvious knows more than you a fool?.... if this is the case, yes I'm a huge fool pmsl
what i know about my pleco,Leopard Pleco Prefers a tank with lots of hiding places in the form of driftwood or inverted flowerpots. Plants are not a safe as they may eat them but that a risk you can take, This species produces copious amounts of waste and will need heavy filtration and frequent gravel vacuuming.
Thanks size, Minimum tank size (30 gal) witch the tank i have mine in now is a (42 gal)
There fresh water and temp must be kept between 22 and 26 cel
feeding, Like all pleco-type fishes, it will accept a wide variety of commercial vegetable-based catfish foods, including sinking algae wafers, pellets and Spirulina flakes, as well as prepared garden vegetables. Feed first thing in the morning and just after the lights go out at night. Will eat small invertebrates if available.
and also they can have a lifespan of up to 25 years if well looked after
and you must keep your PH at around 5.5-6.5 and have a heavy oxygenation tanks.
Again this info has just been regurgitated from another site. There is also many species which are referred to as leopard plec and by the looks of the info above, you have picked one that isn't even the species you have brought.
min tank size 30g?... for your species this couldn't be further from correct and your 42g doesn't come close either.
Really what i would advise you do, is get correct info first before blurting out things that you have just read and believed to be instantly true.
It really is funny that you claim to know so much about the above, yet 80% of the info is incorrect
, it's clearly obvious you have no idea and your not going to actually listen to anybody even though your info is incorrect and there's is.
So.... goodluck with the fish anyways, i will have my fingers crossed that this plec doesn't become another statistic and be kept in conditions that just aren't suitable.
Take care
P.S can we see some pics of your discus to?.... or do you not have any?.