My New Nano Cube

Don't worry about that snails do that all the time. I would add more nassarius as they are the best sand cleaners out there. Don't worry about getting cleaners to eat the diatoms as they will disappear on there own anyway. Its just a stage of the maturation process of any new tank.
I love the astrreas. Although it is true that they can't right themselves if they fall, I find that they POUR all over the rocks, cleaning them. They also ate cyano when I had it. Avoid margaritas...I think they prefer cooler temps and are short lived. SH
Sorry I havn't updated in a little while, been pretty busy. Anyways tank is doing well, no ammonia or nitrite, and nitrates are staying low. I was thining about getting my first fish a little while ago, but decided to hold off just to make sure that tank was ready. I was at my lf's a couple days ago and spotted a small piece of liverock with 6 zoanthid polyps on it, it was cured so I decided to get it. The night of adding it to my tank I saw a brittle star about the size of a nickel crawling over the rock, so that was a nice bonus. I'll try and update with pics tommorow.

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