My New Fish Tank


New Member
Apr 16, 2007
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Can some one please help me i bought a 34 litre tank for my bedroom.

How many fish do you think i can fit in my fish tank? at the moment i have 4 zebra danios and 3 neon tetras. i am hoping to get 5 more neons a pufferfish a red tailed shark a siamese fighter and 2 coolies do you think that is to many or do you think i could perhaps get more in the tank as i was thinking about purchasing a few congo tetra.

Please help from a confused newbie!
you tank is aproximately 9 gallons, so i would actually say it is fully stocked if not over stocked because they are active fish, maybe swap them for a fighter and a few small cories
First remove the red tal shark he will get big in the tank. Seconde remove some fish becuae its over stocked.
Yep take out the red tail, and definately don't add any more you have enough already.
I don't thyink he has those fish in the tank, however, you needed to do a fishless cycle, also your tank is fuly stocked it not overstocked.
Can some one please help me i bought a 34 litre tank for my bedroom.
How many fish do you think i can fit in my fish tank?

Not very many, your tank is quite small. Have you cycled it yet? If you are cycling with fish keep a close watch on your Amonia and Nitrites and do daily water changes until the tank has cycled.

at the moment i have 4 zebra danios and 3 neon tetras. i am hoping to get 5 more neons
Get the neon's, but I would only get 2 or 3 as they need to be in a 5+ school. Your tank is now full!

a pufferfish
Nope, they're agressive, need a bigger tank and need brackish water.

a red tailed shark
Nope, it will grow waaaaay too big

a siamese fighter
Nope, you can't put one of them in with neon's as the neon's may nip at it's fins

2 coolies
Nope, unless you get rid of all your other fish, you can have a few of these and the Betta together with a sand substrate.

do you think that is to many
Yes, and a bad mix

or do you think i could perhaps get more in the tank as i was thinking about purchasing a few congo tetra.
Nope, forget it!

Please help from a confused newbie!

Hope I've help a bit :) Good luck :)
pretty much what jozlyn said, although there are some puffers that live in freshwater

in a 9 gallon tank you should aim for 9" of fish. so assuming you only get fish like neon's that stay at 1" you can have 9 of them.

however if you like things like siamese fighters or puffer fish you can set this tank up as a specimin tank for one of them.

the puffers need to be kept alone really in a tank that size, but you could get oen of the dwarf puffers, great personality and make great pets.

the siamese fighter while aggressive isn't as bad as the puffers, you could keep one with a few cories or khuli loaches
at the moment i have 4 zebra danios and 3 neon tetras. i am hoping to get 5 more neons
Get the neon's, but I would only get 2 or 3 as they need to be in a 5+ school. Your tank is now full!

That's what's already in the tank... The tank is too small for danios, but you could add the tetras you said (to make a group of 8 ).

a pufferfish
Nope, they're agressive, need a bigger tank and need brackish water.

Most are FW, actually, but almost all get too large for such a small tank. And indeed, species tank only.
Dwarf puffers are completely freshwater, but more or less uncompatable with any other fish apart for otos.
I have cycled my tank and the ammonium and nitrate levels are fine
what fish would you suggest i should put in the tank???
my ammonium and nitrate levels are 0 and my tank has a ph 0f 6.9 so what fish do you suggest
Ok Thanks Everyone For the help I now knw what im gona put in my tank thanks

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