My New Eel


Fish Fanatic
Oct 9, 2003
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I reserved a freshwater moray eel today (not sure which species) he is £25, about 30cm and he is albino (well he is pink so i think he is albino).

Can someone give me some info on my new fish?
Also the person in the shop said he may attack my polypterus, will he?


FW morays are not really freshwater at all and do not live for long if not kept in a brackish enviroment, the fish you are buying is probably Gymnothorax tile. They are territorial and will be aggresive to other bottom dwellers on which they can do quite serious damage with their sharp teeth, they are really best kept with just large surface and mid water dwelling brackish fish like archers scats and monos or in a species tank.
Is that a NO then?

He is pink but the others in the tank were a grey/brown colour with yellowey white flecs on them, is he a Gymnorthorax Tile?
The eel will need tank with a minimum of a 36"x12" footprint but a 48"x18" would be better, the height of the tank is not really important if the eel is to be the only fish. G.tile comes in many colour morphs (snowflake and gold spot are the two most common) however the above information is correct for all FW morays.
Sorry CFC but i bought the eel and he is doing great, he hasn't attacked any of my fish at all. But i have a question, What do they eat? I have tried cockles and frozen bloodworm with no success?
my lfs has like 10 in stock all fairly large for 40 bucks and i was almost gonna buy one then i though of the other fish :crazy:
Sometimes they will starve to death in freshwater. If you moved the Plec I think you could add a little salt just to make him happy. DON'T do it yet though. Ask CFC. He will be able to tell you if you could for sure.
Moray eels are preadators by instinct and young fish may refuse to take anything but large live foods such as small fish and large shrimps. Keep trying the eel with the frozen foods but if it hasnt eaten within 2 weeks then you will have to try the live route.

The eel is going to need increasing ammounts of salt as it grows so will need a tank of its own, the other fish with the exception of the pleco will handle a little salt but even they will not be able to tolerate the strong brackish conditions the eels requires.
COOL! OK i will ask my mum if i can have a new tank to put him in. According to my shop they were imported from Singapore and were being kept in freshwater in singapore and in the shop. I add a small amount of aquarium salt anyway to as recommended by my local shop.
Remove the Plec from the tank. They can't handle salt. It will kill them. Move the Plec then when you move the Eel the do water changes until all salt is gone, then put the Catfish back.

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