My New Dwarf Puffer

As to the wormer that is definately the stuff (always been recommended to me).

As to the live food, really unsure hon, just try getting some off a site asap and in meantime keep trying frozen x
That's the stuff...Wormer Plus. It's very effective and also good for a host of other probs too like whitespot, gill flukes etc :D

If you can get the frozen bloodwroms they are as good as the live stuff, you just need to make your puffer interested enough to eat them by fooling them with the food being dropped into the flow of the filter. Once he gets used to eating again he'll be happy enough with frozen food and the regular snails the size of his eyes and this can be supplemented with live food as and when you can get it.

I don't know where you live, but there's a company that delivers live food in the London, Herts and Essex area. Hmmm I guess you live near Banbury, going by your work info :lol:

You just need to trawl your LFS to see who stocks live foods. Most of the ones I go to in my locality do :D
thank you for you help :) ive got the live bloodworm finaly! wow take a look at this...



haha he loved it!! ive been watching and his belly does not seem to be going back in :good: any ideas how to keep bloodworm?? id like to try my hand at keeping my own source instead of having to order them all the time! :lol:
Oh that is great, look at his belly :wub: Really glad he is eating that is the ticket...Unsure on the bloodworm as mine would stick with frozen!
I keep my bloodworms in the baggies they come in from the LFS (they grow their own so the water they're in is nice and clean, unlike the ready sealed bags of them you get at some shops) in the crisper box in the fridge. They last about a week or so. I then decant into a jar with a lid and use a pipette from an old liquid test kit to feed them with.
A tip for you to look for...if the water goes cloudy they're likely to be ruined. Only buy ones where the bag water is clean and clear. They smell quite bad once they go off so you'll know when they're fresh. They'll mostly be a nice bright red colour too. If they're brown they're off.

I can't see the pic at work so I'll check when I get home :D
ah well, the tub i have them in is now starting to smell a little bit nasty... there is still live ones in there im really hoping to get him onto frozen if i can....
Try the filter outlet trick I mentioned with the frozen ones. It should work with time :good:

tryed that but i ended up removing the bloodworm a few days later....i moved my feeding thing over to infront of the filter so the dead worms which i hooked to it looks like they were wiggling but he didnt want to know it....he still has a little belly :) it went down alot but it didnt sink in, however im going to get some de-wormer just in case :good:
:) he is cute still a little jumpy mind...or maybe that is dwarf puffers i dont know :rolleyes: but no im not getting him a buddy and yes he will be moving into a divided tank, but the tank in qeustion is a massive 110Litre with only a few other fish in who knows what else may be in there lol but of course "stalk" will be going into the divided part (if anouther fish does not get there first :lol:
They can be jumpy when in a barer tank. The more vegitation you have for him to lurk about in then the more secure he will feel ;)
odd...for such a small tank it is now heavily planted lol

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