Hey hon really sorry to hear he passed on

He didnt have a good starting point from the store so perhaps his immunity was low and stress levels high. Do give them another go as you know they are fab little creatures. When you go this time see if there is one with a good belly and perhaps ask for them to be fed in front of you so you can rule out feeding problems from the start? xx
this is a good idea, although nearly every fish ive had from my local P at H has died

i have a ballon molly from there mind, i want to get anouther puffer but this time i think im going to source him elsewhere
my name is Heiko Bleher and I just saw this thread (and to late, but was in NYC - see my website).
In any case some short info on your past tiny puffer: The species is Carinotetradodon imitator and it is together with the other similar looking minature freshwater puffer, also from the Western Ghats (Kerala), C. travancoricus, the smallest on earth. Unfortunately you were wrongly informed, as it should have been fed at least 4-6 times every day and live food, like Daphnia, Cyclops, mosquitoe larva, live bloodworms, etc. Also life Artemia would have helped. And they would have eaten small life snails as well. But definitely had to be fed several times daily, as on the first picture one can see it was already starving...
Anyhow, remeber it for the future, those should be available again, they are plenty in southwestern India (I had everytime hundreds in one netting), and they export them frequantly. Just take my advice for the next time. Later, once it is well acclimatized, they will also take frozen and dry feeds.
Best regards from a collector, and writer, explorer and much more, but mainly a fish-man,
Heiko Bleher